The Unveiling: Chapter 2 The Technology of the Awakening

= The Unveiling of the Hidden Knowledge and the Secret Space Program Chapter 1

Chapter 2.5-2.7: The Fallen and Their Technology

Chapter 3: The Unveiling, Ancient Hidden Tech

The following is a basic summary of technology and some events regarding the current situation on Earth. Some is of this is difficultre to chronologically organize in reference to this timeline. The table of contents is irregular however for the depth of information this may assist in allowing one to overview the topics. Some of the formating is skewered as well, this will be taken care of when combined and published.

Table of Contents

Chapter 2: The Awakening

Chapter 2.1: The Machines of All Time and Space

Re-Creating The Kaleidoscope

Sand-Castles of Time

We’re Waiting For Ourselves

The Goal of Two Societies

Our Forgotten Other Half

All Is But An Illusion

Life Itself Is The Highest Illusion

Chapter 2.2: The “Awakening” of 2010

Memory Suppression

Life and Consciousness

The True Human Potential

The Light-Body

Technology of the Awakening

Mental Manipulation Technology: Touchless Neural-Interface and Enhanced Awareness

Time Dilation and Temporal Recurrence

Crystal Technology

Time Crystals

Quantum Tunneling Diodes

Tachyon Fields

Upgraded Chronovisor

Time Tunnels

The “Trip” Chair

Kozyrev Mirror

Universal Recurrence

Remote Viewing, Temporal Lensing

Temporally Linked

Natural Vortex Energy Locations and Geography

Mount B.

Particle Accelerator Temporal Manipulation

Riding the “Timewave”

Dematerialization and Rematerialization

“Jump Rooms

Ion Shields

Instantaneous Healing

“Living Light” Sound-Harmonics and Electromagnetic Healing

Electrogravitic Craft

Energy Cores and Storage Capacity

3.5D Replicators

3.5D Sensors

3.5D Printing of Clones


Neural-interlace/4D Connectome Recording and Simulation

EEG Heterodyning

Artificial Hallucinations

Brain to Machine Interface Holographic Consciousness System (brainchip interface, virtual reality simulator)

Utilizing The Temporal Body

Manipulation Through the Temporal

Astral or Light Body

Monitors can emit consciousness/brainwave altering frequencies.

The Upgraded Chronovisor

Community Servers/Living Server Systems

Cloning, Cloud Supercomputing and Consciousness Transfer

Cloning, Supercomputer Assisted Holographic Consciousness Replication and Time Travel

Cloning as Offspring

Inserted Memories, Digital Dreams

Co-Inhabitation of Bodies

Clever Replication a Digital Mirror

Necromancy and Soul Stealing

Ancient Technology, Non-Human Entities

Created Beings

Black Goo – AI Nanites Vampiric Hive Mind

Recreating or Replicating the Universe

Ancient Spiritual Technology

The Unveiling, Underground Bases, Increasing Awareness

Learning about the Unveiling

Giant “god-men”

Breakaway Civilizations

Ancient Civilizations



Ancient Technology

The True Elite

The Definition of Human

Souled and Non Souled Beings

There was once a Unified Planetary Consciousness…

Power and Knowledge

The (watch)Keepers of Earth

Energy Vampires

Spiritual Technology

Simulations and Learning

Ascension – Clearing Trauma

Trauma-Clearing, DNA Unlocking Technology

Everyone Who Seeks Harmony and Healing Can Be Healed


Layers of Programming and Decision Making Roles


Sub-Level Programming

Dissolution of Programming

Advanced Technology, Deprogramming The Mind, and “Space/Time”

Dreams, Technology and Inner-Space Travels

Awareness Feedback Device

Oneness, Higher Being, Completion, Eternity

The Holographic Reality

Veiled Awareness, Hidden Knowledge, Eternal Time, Layers of Programming and Control

The Great Catastrophes

I was brought into the Time Program

The Effects of Temporal Manipulation

Temporal Influence

Simultaneous Interaction and Incorporation


Quantum Holography

Time Paradox

Breakaway Civilization

Underground Cities

Technological Advancement

World-Wide Control Systems

Solar Warden

Team Light and Team Dark Non-Interference Agreement

All Contact Must Be Initiated On an Individual Basis

A Singularity of Change and Awareness

Advanced Technology and Ancient Knowledge

Cloning, Atmospheric Civilizations, Genetic Stability

Training, Simulations and Learning

Cloning and Cerebrally Enhanced Soldiers – MILABS

Psychological Testing

Hallucinatory Holographic Mind Probing Technology

Virtual Simulator Training Scenarios

Combat Simulators


Programming and Resistance to Psychological Trauma

Accelerated Mental Functioning

Technology, Accelerated Learning and Repair

On Orgone Energy

Energy Generators and Serums

Genetic and Cybernetic Enhancements

Developing The Self

Multiple Factions of Space-Fleets, Multiple Goals

Large-Scale Catastrophes or Series of Meltdowns


Earth Changes

Mass Consciousness

Wars and Manipulation

Financial Unrest (or reset)


Clones and Synthetics

Spiritual Power and Divine Truth

Synthetic DNA, Synthetic Genetics

Time as Mathematics, Series of Equations, a Programmable Storyline

Chapter 2.3 Previewing Solutions

Neutralizing Polarization

Removing Etheric Implants

Clearing Astral Body

Knowing the True Self; Soul Actualization, Unveiling

Taking Responsibility

Returning To Center Emotionally and Mentally (spiritually)

Vampires in the “Awake” Community

Heart Center and Psycho-Spiritual Fulfillment (self-actualization)

Go Within to Observer the Self

Organic Feedback Loop

Technological Feedback Loop

Breaking Soul-Contracts

Help Everyone

Chapter 2.4 How Timelines Collapse

Repeating Cycles of Time

Beings From the Future

Beings From Collapsed Timelines

Beings Who Would Never Have Existed in the First Place

This is the technology that has been used to explore, discover, and control the resources of Earth for thousands. Sometimes to protect, other times to manipulate. Humanity is considered an asset in this battle, no different than gold or water. There is importance in understanding the methods and perspectives of both sides of this situation.

Chapter 2: The Awakening

Chapter 2.1: The Machines of All Time and Space

There are machines that are capable of accessing genetic memory and unveiling what can only be referred to as the experience of awareness or existence in between the physical planes of each time or each physical life experience.

Even if they are simultaneously occurring moments of a transcendental nature, there is still an illusory ‘space’ where there is perceived separation and through this there is a perceived ‘space’ that is in between each existence.

Re-Creating The Kaleidoscope

This space is only perceivable when viewing from the physical perspective, like seeing the spaces between the angles of a kaleidescope only when viewed through the lens and similarly, technology can be used to recreate what this kind of illusory space might look or exist like in between the multi-dimensional realm of the continuous experience stream. Through this, these ‘hypothetical’ in between spaces that are understood as only illusory productions of biological consciousness, can be generated through advanced technology with the capacity of recreating that kaleidoscopic view of which the human biological perspective is only a small fraction or even fractal.

By recreating this biological perspective, they can recreate the illusory spaces in between planes and through this they can literally access and experience what are stored in the DNA as the experiences of existence beyond the physical limitations of consciousness and into a multidimensional experience of time and space.

All becomes a never ending sea of consciousness, however this is the given. The trick is to take from this sea of consciousness and slice it down into conceivable chunks from which you can reintegrate a previous personality or identity and continue on a stream of consciousness that would otherwise be tossed to the cosmic wind like fractal stardust as the sands on the beach of hyperspace.

Sand-Castles of Time

We are effectively building sand castles out of these sands of time that would otherwise be swept back and forth into and out of the ocean of life and the universe only to momentarily wash up again as the identity which we once knew.

There is technically nothing wrong with either view, because then, the spaces between each million year occurrence of just so happening to wash up again as you, would be imperceivable because they are only there to be seen when you are you again.

We’re Waiting For Ourselves

Yet, if there were some who had attained the awareness of the true nature of reality and were standing there on the beach waiting for the rest of their cosmic family to come to shore again, it could be perceived as waiting the majority of the time for a very small occurrence and then being alone again up until the kaleidoscopic fractal inverts itself to the point where everyone now is standing on the shores of the sands of time rejoicing and meeting with each other.

The Goal of Two Societies

My goal in coming to you people on the surface of what is called “Earth” is to help assist in the process of bringing the two societies together, one who’s been waiting for thousands of millions of years, and the other who has no idea that they’re even late (or very on time).

You see, those are the only two situations where there could be even the possibility of perceiving such an injustice as experiencing the pain of loss or misconstrued identity in this universe. It is as if two families met at the cross-roads at different angles, and while one waited for the other to arrive, they could merely supply themselves with glimpses of the ruins and remnants of the evidence that the other civilization existed at any one time.

This is not how life must be and this is kind of like a cosmic waiting game of hide and go seek our two mirror civilizations have been playing with each other. One who’s highly technologically advanced and the other who is more or less the spiritually advanced of the two.

Both of them have a unique view of the universe and they are both only complementary to each other as a whole. The more they sat around and waited for one another, with one leaving the clues that the other would find and even switching roles sometimes in different ways, they became even more and more complimentarily associated as the very essence of experience they seem to be missing more and more is the experience of one another.

So as we perceive these as being great losses or great gains of time and culture we are really only remembering ourselves and coming together as a unified existence that once met upon the surface of Earth as a single family covering the entire harmonic spectrum of the Universe.

And that should be the goal of any progressive, any one pushing a new culture or an old culture, anyone looking to teach the young and protect the knowledge of the old, while also protecting the innocence of the young and perfecting the age-old knowledges that have defined our presence in reality.

Our Forgotten Other Half

One could even say we’ve sometimes gone off the deep end, leaving ‘land-minds’ of sorts to process the information that would be present when we are gone. Of course, what we could’ve found when this occurred, is beyond anything we could’ve ever expected and that is the true nature of the complexity of creation and existence. That everything follows the cycles of creation and destruction, however, the memory of everything that has been created can always be accessed (depending on the beach) and therefore the creative aspect is legitimate, yet it is the destructive aspect that is illegitimate and illusory.

Yes, through advanced technology this can be proven in ways that can be verified and transmitted using advanced technology, since that is how we like to verify things these days. There is, of course, a human looking at the screen, the read out, or the situation from a physical perspective to verify the verifications.

All Is But An Illusion

There is a notion that there is only one civilization, one society, in actuality that has been chasing itself through time. That we cannot actually find the same place and the same time where both meet because we are each other from different perspectives. We can only get a mirror where this is possible, or an ‘hyperdimensional’ internet channel where we can stream one’s consciousness in from the other reality and interact with them through that here in this reality. Thus the two civilizations can achieve the experience of their own civilization and the other civilization by merging with one another but only through a remote contact, just a relay, not an actuality.

The harsher, darker side of this is that any civilizations between then and now that we did happen to meet that proclaimed to be “the one’s” we have been waiting for, and in essence our darker or lighter halves, are actually the impostors who exist entirely apart as a sub-set and have taken a liking to trying to trick the reality out of one of the other civilizations.

Of course, if these are another form of being altogether, and this is all brought about through an interplay of consciousness and deviations from an original core reality, then all will resolve itself when that core reality is alone again. This indicates that all realities will either move closer and closer to the core until they unify, or farther and farther out until they transmogrify beyond recollection.

Life Itself Is The Highest Illusion

That hyperdimensional internet channel that is created out of advanced technology to merge the parallel realities (rather distastefully and maybe disastrously at times) allowing different civilizations to interact with each other, well this has been created using technology.

But then it was discovered that this is the ultimate nature of DNA. That this was ‘invented’ similarly as a higher-dimensional internet so that various natures of different planes and dimensions could interact with each other and experience the richness of life.

The universe becomes more like a living arcade game then, where people come from all over the galaxy to ‘plug in’ to human experience and figure out what it means to be physical, human and on Earth.

This does tie into the larger nature of reality, of star-races, and of time and consciousness that is often reversed according to how things seem to play out in physicality. We are moving through time, but just because we are moving one way, does not mean that others could not be moving the other way.

We have to live our lives with meaning knowing that the message we pass on, the duty we vow to accomplish and ensure is meaningfully connected on either end to the passage of the past and the power of our ancestors to the function and knowledge of the future creating a clear passage between the realms, the generations, and the ends of the universe. This is what literally ties the universe together, and the mind of each individual. This purpose is contrived when not carefully shaped within and so we must help all who seek purpose learn to become the blacksmiths of their own destiny through the temperance of desire or temptation and the discipline of developing strength and maturity where there was once weakness and naivety.

Once we know this is our duty, this is what we seek to achieve and this is what is done, then we can become part of the universe forever. Of course, this may only be temporary in the larger view of things.

Chapter 2.2: The “Awakening” of 2010

In 2010 I was “awakened” at an event involving hundreds of people that play various roles in this society, the secret society and the breakaway civilization. This also took place across times or planes of reality.

During this event I was informed of the situation on Earth beyond the informational barriers that were previously in place to limit knowledge to only what is required for specific operations. I was essentially “informed” of the entire situation as much as the mind could handle this.

As this was occurring, the team that was updating me on the status of Earth was being informed of and given information regarding changes in the future. In short, interviews, posts, and releases that I have since made and will make in the future were touched upon. Quotes were given from the blog and interviews which were jokingly acknowledging verbal mistakes at the pronunciation of names, new perspectives and interpretations and more. As they were informing me, they were creating the future reality where this work takes place. That is the basis of this layer of the operations. They are creating the future person by person, layer by layer.

Memory Suppression

My memory was unsuppressed and all the traumatic memories and experiences were unveiled to me. This was almost as traumatic as the initial experiences themselves although precautionary steps are taken to ensure the safety of the individual. There are teams of highly competent individuals of all kinds with professional backgrounds of every field imaginable.

Throughout my entire life I have had memories of experiences, at this event I was informed what the experiences meant and what was actually happening. I’ve had memories of underground bases, cloning, stargates or interdimensional gateways, advanced technology, non-human or programmed biological entities, sacred knowledge and experiences, the power of the mind, and breakaway civilizations. Most of the time we are conditioned to believe these are past lives or experiences in another reality so as to enable continuity of operation.

Life and Consciousness

From my perspective and the perspective of others, we had reached the ‘future’ and had been sent back through the utilization of advanced technology and cloning to return to this time and inform others of the possibilities.

The True Human Potential

This is so far beyond what anyone can accept or comprehend fully that humans with an emotional, mental and physical aspect balanced as one is literally a cosmic reflection of the entire universe at once. This is the closest thing to a “god” in the flesh. And be sure, the entirety of this rests on the behalf that the man is protective and helpful. That the woman is nurturing and loving. That is the point. “god-man” does not mean a warrior who destroys everyone and anyone in his way getting what he wants. Nor does it mean some lusty and vampiric form of energy or mind control game. “god-man” means the love of the universe, the power of the body and mind, the peace and calm of the ultimate stillness all in one.

This power is in human DNA, originally so. And so this is awakened through walking the middle path of neutrality and ‘splicing’ the timelines down so that neither one nor the other gains the power of the individual. Through this, the individual creates their own power, right on the spot, without having to lean to one extreme or the other. This is like a cosmic, temporal balancing act with emotions and mind. Where we give our energy is created in the universe in the form of many productions and effects. If we are simply thinking in an imbalanced manner then we are producing timelines and side-realities that exist in the etheric realms that we can’t see and these realities will reflect our inner imbalance. So then when we are balanced in our energies we are not creating one or the other side of divinity, we are literally creating the whole universe, cleaving down the middle and producing both sides of divinity or eternity equally and this is the only way to have an eternal production which does not eventually degrade to one extreme or the other. Through balance, we reach eternity and in this way all the power of the universe exists within a person through their ability to balance their emotions and mind and thus unlock the DNA.

The DNA is coded through bio-emissions of mind or emotional body. So we are constantly doing this and we are either producing a DNA code that reflects imbalance overall, or a code that reflects the eternal balance of the universe overall. This is through energy.

One reaches “heaven” or the deity planes or simply self-actualization, through three paths. These paths are through merits or devotion to principles, or through knowledge and expanding one’s mind to face the universe, or through great works and deeds to produce this effect of power, knowledge and emotion unto the world for others. Through these paths we create an impact on the universe and this transfers what we are temporarily and physically into an eternal energetic and physical production within the living universe, forever. To do this requires balance, focus, devotion, and discipline however because there are many distractions along the way.

The Light-Body

You must build your own light body. That is how it works.

Your heart creates a field and projects you.

Rely on yourself and use that for protection.

The power of the Universe will align with you if you align with your self.

Learn as much as you can and break through duality of love/hate, cultivate your knowledge of the self and use it.

What you want is what determines your power in the light-realms. Not how you want it. If you want war, then that is a sign of weakness and determination to produce imbalance and exist by that. If you want peace, that this is a sign of power and unity to produce further unification and exist by that. What you want determines your power, not how you obtain it.

Technology of the Awakening

Mental Manipulation Technology: Touchless Neural-Interface and Enhanced Awareness

I reached what the “Illuminati” called the “awakening”. I feel a better term would be “unlocking” as this event includes the removal of all traumas, perceptual distortions, and memory suppression.

This event was a presentation of very advanced technologies which allow the mind to transcend space and time. It was shown that death is similar to a phase-shift of consciousness as polarity and that the awareness of the being obviously continues. This was verified through advanced sensing devices which can visibly display frequencies which are invisible to the physical senses. This is also something that occurred earlier on as a child in the underground bases by transferring consciousness in and out of the body at will using advanced technology.

With these devices it is possible to see the “auric” or soul field of the individual. Any living body has a field which glows when picked up by these sensing systems. This field becomes more refined when viewing more advanced beings. Human have an extending mental field, and through this a kind of glowing awareness that is picked up. It can be fairly simply compared to thermal imaging except instead of differences in temperature it is the presence of a soul or mental energy field around a living body. The finer energies extend outward away from the physical body.

More than once, the situational requirements were satisfied in order to produce an ideal environment for maneuvering on the non-physical plane. This is the basis of how the temporal operations occur, yet these events were different than previous operations or experiences. The group I was in was going through the process of increasing the vibratory emissions of the “bio-mind” in order to stay focused on the increasing vibratory rate of the environment. Generators were utilized to create an effect on space/time which was perceived on the “soul” level. These events continued into the discovery and explanation of the creation of the “godlike” powers of the advanced sentient technology which was capable of accessing the holographic nature of reality which humans can perceive through their bio-mind/soul. These technologies also enable one to perceive what is referred to as the “galactic history” of Earth and humanity. We are far vaster and Earth is far larger than people are lead to believe.

Spatiotemporal Distortion

Time Dilation and Temporal Recurrence

Time dilation capabilities were shown which allow for accelerated learning of advanced and detailed material within a very short amount of time. This could be seen as a kind of viewing technology which one wears or looks into and vibratory emissions are scalar-linked to the brain which then allows the individual to perceive more information simultaneously. Then there is a very rapid pace of information streamed on a monitor or through a device and this is akin to watching a 20 minute instructional within a few minutes or a few seconds with very advanced minds. The more time is slowed down while information is accelerated, the more stress is applied to the brain. The brain tends to overheat and over stress with high-rates of activity, especially without conditioning. The conditioning is what allows one to utilize their mind and body in these manners. This is not unlike the very rigorous training and conditioning of certain monks or martial artists however there is very advanced technology and other hidden methodologies utilized.

Crystal Technology

These are capable of holding, transmitting, and amplifying consciousness frequencies. There will be a more detailed explanation in a later section.

The crystal technology is used in junction with the power devices to enable a scalar-mind link which allows the interface to be entirely mental or spiritual, IE: they are not controlled by hand but by focus and intention.

Time Crystals

These are utilized as a computer recording chip would be to run a program yet they hold memory in expanded space, IE: they function in a hyperspacial manner and are essentially hyperspacial computers. These are what will be introduced in junction with the quantum supercomputers.

Quantum Tunneling Diodes

This is technology that has recently be released to the public. New technology is developed years ahead of time and then slowly released to the public in a cascade of advancement. This technology deals with superconductive materials which enable the transfer of information at faster-than-light speeds.

The supercondutive material allows for 100% efficiency of data transfer. So what happens then when the efficiency surpasses 100%? This is possible because we are effectively in a simulated holographic environment. The experience is real, however everything is overlayed via particular limitations for the ‘local-environment’ which is like a central data processing limitation. When these parameter are surpassed, one by one, through a coalescence of refinements and methods, the result is akin to a glitch in a computer game system. They have accessed faster-than-light technology and the mind is also capable of this naturally.

With this technology, however, the information can be received a very small amount of time before it is sent. So if a person is absolutely surely going to press the button to send the message, then right before their finger hits the button that message will be received on the other end, as if magic. If they simply play around and pretend to hit the button but very quickly turn away, then of course nothing happens. One can, however, ‘fool’ the universe in other ways and this is simply through the reception and transmission of information across what should be secure information barriers.

Tachyon Fields

These are programmable fields emitted through advanced technology. I was shown how tachyons are the sub-atomic “particles” or energy formation which flows both ways in time. We are receiving tachyons from the “future” in order to layer the flow of time in one direction or the other. Tachyons are the name of the particles/energy packets that we perceive from this perspective as reaching us to initiate the “future”.

Thus, when a stream of tachyons is concentrated and accelerated, this results in an acceleration of the temporal field and we literally experience an acceleration of time. This can be focused and targeted on a specific piece of equipment to change the way information will be sensed and to essentially allow that device to sense ‘ahead’ of the present moment.

The same effect can be produced with the neurological processes of the human as the physical coupling of the brain to the mind can be altered through a concentrated tachyon field to enable the neurological and mental processes to begin to perceive information ‘before’ the brain is actually physically processing the data. Therefore the mind of the individual will be present in the body while the senses and other perceptions will literally be expanding into the future beyond the present moment.

This is highly confusing at first and requires much training and conditioning in order to make sense of enough to operate in any kind of effective manner.

Upgraded Chronovisor

See, “Upgraded Chronovisor”

Time Tunnels

This was developed earlier on and has been the subject of many TV shows in the past and present. The shows are a sure-fire method to get the information to the public without having to force those who are not ready to comprehend. The information is easiest to digest if people think they are watching science fiction.

These are essentially spiraling tunnels of these tachyon fields produced by large electromagnetic field emitters in the shape of a conical tunnel. As a person moves through this field, their temporal acceleration changes and thus their frame of reference within the universe changes. They effectively move their mind through stages of existence or temporal resonance in the universe and this can have devastating effects.

This is an older technique how is still in use and has specific purposes depending on the situation and the information sought.

The “Trip” Chair: Spatiotemporal Reference Dislocation and Neural-interlace Patterning and Programming

The early use of this technology did not use time-tunnels. There was a helmet that was devised which would create a feedback loop of the brain’s activity and funnel this out and then back into the sensory input. This information would be accelerated and redirected to the point that the perception of time would “fold” in on itself until the person would access an expanded temporal perspective of the universe meaning they would mentally temporally dislocate from the initial frame of reference and extend outward further and further in repeating cycles until the same moment was replayed and then all other possible moments in a kind of fractal-like recursive pattern and the very far future would be realized.

Essentially, this technologically produced the class “flashing before the eyes” of the entire life experience that is described in near-death experiences and the entire temporal body would be very quickly unwound before the person’s inner eye.

There would be a complete disconnection with the current frame of reference that the collective Earth environment is processing under. That is, this ‘time’ and ‘space’ would be completely out of perceptual reach and a new time and space would be rendered instead. Until the experience had completed, there would be no way to contact this civilization.

There are other versions and ancient versions, tandem operations, more ‘organic’ methods, and modified travel capacities.

Kozyrev Mirror

This is a piece of metal, usually aluminum in early models which simply bent the bio-emissions of the body and mind into a pattern which would create a vortex. The vortex shape and vortex mathematics enable energy and information to travel in across space and time by ‘short-cutting’ the physical plane.

The result of this is that the vortex that is generated over a specific area through an individuals bio-emissions would be capable of interacting instantly with the bio-emissions of another individual who was placed within a duplicate mirror device which was generating another vortex on their end.

The two vortexes acted as a kind of hyper-dimensional telephone cable, literally like a can and string and the perceptions of one another were accessible. There were many uses for this and again, many ancient interpretations of this technology that have been hidden from the public. Nearly every version of these technologies were present in previous times.

Universal Recurrence

This is a discovery that the universe recurs in cycles similar to a wheel or even a washing machine. The washing machine metaphor is fairly accurate and playfully descriptive because without the technology to observer, or an awakened soul of a spiritual adept, people would go for eons without ever realizing that everything in the universe repeats itself endlessly.

When traveling to the far ends of time, it was discovered that one can move far enough away from the ‘present’ or the local frame of reference that ultimately everything is at a maximal informational opposite to what we have today. After this point, everything begins a slow shift back to the present. Through this, one can cycle around again and reach the present by going far enough into the future. This was an amazing and confusing discovery because of the implications about what is actually changing each time, the reality of what are called parallels, the continuity of temporal experience, and basically a ‘recycling’ effect of all experience in the universe. Nothing is lost, but this is also an issue because then nothing is actually ever gained!

Remote Viewing, Temporal Lensing

An ancient device which has been rebuilt and perfected is capable of using these technologies to create a lensing effect which draws a ‘reflection’ of time into a projection system which is effectively capable of acting as a ‘visual time tunnel’ into future probable realities. This is a device which generates a visual portal which allows one to view the future.

This device also exists as ancient counterparts which are located around the world, namely in areas that have been recently sought by the world superpowers. Nothing is as it seems. If you read a story in the public venue then you can be sure that you have read the cover story while the reality is much deeper.

Temporally Linked

The use of the viewing devices which enabled interdimensional lensing of possible futures was found to be stabilizing our pathway into those projected futures. This was enabling a time link between the present and the possible future.

In order to avoid the catastrophes of 2012, the link was broken between the two civilizations and the devices were rendered inactive for this period.

Natural Vortex Energy Locations and Geography

On Earth there are natural ‘time tunnels’ where tachyon fields and vortexes are produced by internal elements. These are mountains, lakes, deserts, fields, sacred sites and other areas that have always been reported as being ‘paranormal’ or containing some kind of specific energy that enables contact with another reality. These are simply naturally produced areas of this vortex energy that produces an interdimensional nexus point through which multiple other parallels can be interacted with. These areas produce an effect on the body and mind similar to the technologies described above.

Most of these effects, from these technologies, change the way light is received or emitted by the mind and DNA.

Mount B.

There is a specific mountain where a base is located, and I have mentioned this before, where the base is so deep within one of these vortex areas that everyone working there is either there for the entirety of their life, or they are only permitted to be there for a very short amount of time. This is because of the acceleration effect. Essentially, if one was to go into the base and work for a matter of hours or day, in some places even minutes, then when they returned to the surface they would be years in the future, sometimes decades or centuries. This is very dangerous and you can imagine the original people who found this area and what kind of situations occurred.

Now with the advanced technology that has been developed these issues can be mitigated and much more control over these effects is enabled.

Particle Accelerator Temporal Manipulation

Using particle accelerators a “fold” in space/time can be made so that when the accelerator is turned off or tuned back into a certain frequency (not sure) everyone within the field will “snap” back in time to the specific moment when the fold was first created.

I have seen this done on small scale, and a rather larger scale, but I cannot be sure if it was only me. I believe I have seen it done on a town-sized scale during the 2010 Awakening where some of the events reached a scale of nearly cosmic proportion and the entire sky and horizon was lit up with technology and entities, as well as Solar Warden, the NAZI faction, secret society groups, and breakaway civilizations or complete other civilizations, some of which were non-human.

This is done using particle accelerators to quantify space on the quantum level (as a reference point with the mind) a frequency would be “folded” into the space time continuum as we “rip” through space holding an access point open at this fundamental level of space/time. This allows for a ‘letting go’ of the frequency, or a ‘snapping back’ by allowing the entanglement to solve itself. When used with generators that propagate out efficiently enough, the effect is akin to a time/space rewinding effect. Some people have noted various theories describing this in relation to the CERN device. These technologies were described as smaller versions of the CERN device and are related to higher-dimensional travel via folding space through electromagnetic fields. This is literally artificially technologically “holding space” for a specific area in relation to a period of time. Time is a more complex notion as an abstraction but by locating the frame of reference this can be applied to distort what would otherwise seem to be a continuous flow. When the frequencies are allowed to “snap back” all sentient observer sources return to the environment they were present in when that frequency ‘rift’ first began. Essentially this creates a replay effect on the consciousness of the individuals within the field. There is no physical effect. The consciousness is ‘regressed’ through time/space, and they re-experience existence from that initial point of contact with the frequency “rift”. This is best explanation I can currently offer however more is coming to the public each day.

This is literally like a “restore point” on an operating system except the computer system is literally the consciousness and space and time of a portion of the local-environment of Earth.

Riding the “Timewave”

There are teams of individual who operate in tandem with the technology of looking into possible futures based on the present and operating through the present via other operatives who are carrying out operations and movements that will construct the various possible realities that the original team of individuals is hopping between. These teams literally “ride” the “timewave” of the future hopping between possible future realities relaying information to the present depending on what movement will be next.

Dematerialization and Rematerialization

This is technology which transcodes the information of an individual human into a holographic projection of light which can be transferred between devices. There is a special system in place that is required to successfully transmit a living human being otherwise just the body will be transferred and the soul will remain, effectively killing the individual.

“Jump Rooms

These are large areas which are capable of acting as a kind of technological ‘portal-gate’ where an entire team can be instantly transported from one area of the universe to another. The space between the two areas are ‘twisted’ like a spiral and then ‘snapped’ back to position and if done correctly with the two frequencies of both locations merging then the team of one room will transfer to the destination pad.

All these methods require training and conditioning, most people are at the very least visibly shaken from the experience which is a bit like being microwaved into a liquid ether and shot through a particle beam at the same time.

Ion Shields

These are areas of concentrated ion emissions and this can be used to create a deflective layer of heated air where light will reflect at a programmable angle. When this occurs, a person standing behind the shield will appear to be invisible to others who are looking straight at them. The light will be bent in such a controlled manner as to perfectly shift around the person in a fluid and equal flow so that the ‘bubbling’ effect that was noted early on can be mitigated to produce a complete mirage where there is relatively no sign of difference to the untrained eye. An entire group of individuals and equipment can be hidden in the background a matter of yards away and as long as the person is not intently, inspecting each square inch of ground and air they will not notice any difference between the area that is being covered up in the distance and the area directly next to them without the shield.

Similarly a ‘screen’ of imagery can be projected onto certain materials in the air and a hologram can be projected which will render a background or foreground image. This will work to a degree, and from a distance this will work to disguise an entire horizon.

Instantaneous Healing

There are instantaneous healing methods which utilize various technologies. There are substances which can initiate a complete and real-time regeneration of living tissue from almost any conceivable non-critical injury.

These are chemical serums which allow the cells to replicate at an astronomical rate while suffering damage to the DNA telomeres at repeated use.

There are many methods but mainly the living-light harmonics is one of the latest advancements and most effective at producing healing on a molecular level.

“Living Light” Sound-Harmonics and Electromagnetic Healing

There is a technique for producing a quantifiable scalar wave which interacts with the living cells of tissues and instructs them to repair at a faster rate. This has been called “holographic healing” by others and these are essentially ‘living light’ frequencies which interact with the cells on the same frequencies that they operate on when healing and interacting with each other. The scalar waves emitted generate the same patterns and this creates an ‘ether’ fluid that enables them to grow and repair the tissue faster.

Electrogravitic Craft

Advanced craft which utilized counter-rotating torsion fields propagated by very powerful quantum computers and zero-point energy devices.

There are also more modern versions that use powerful electrical flows to neutralize inertial resistance and ‘slide’ through the gravitational field of the crafts own materials.

Energy Cores and Storage Capacity

The hand-held devices that are in use do not require charging or even disposal. The storage capacity of the batteries is so efficient that they last for a lifetime of use. Some devices use an energy generator within the device itself. These “batteries” which are not batteries but little, powerful generators and can explode if they are mishandled.

These are the cores that are used to power many devices and essentially pull energy from the space-time ether.

3.5D Replicators

There are replicators that can produce any conceivable 3D material or object altogether including food or organic material. These use very high amounts of energy to ‘force’ the electrons of the atomic grid of a substrate to shift into the pattern of the element being replicated. The result is a device which can use wave-emissions to reshape materials on an atomic level and produce or recreate any object or substance.

3.5D Sensors

There are sensors that could reverse the process and detect every minute detail of the structure of a body or material. These use energy emissions to detect the structure of a material down to the minute electrical resistance on a molecular level. Similar to diffuse MRI imaging for a living body but more advanced.

3.5D Printing of Clones

It was shown how this technology was used to three dimensionally print human bodies into space/time which could then be used as vehicles for the consciousness or souls of various sources.


Neural-interlace/4D Connectome Recording and Simulation

Very advanced supercomputers exist with the capacity to translate the bio-emissions of the brain and body and reconstruct the entire inner visual and sensory experience of cognition and emotion. From this, entire dream worlds can be created which mimic the experience of consciousness. This is most similar to the current day use of diffuse MRI imaging where water molecules are traced through the individual neuronal pathways and an entire digitized image of the brain is developed. The more advanced version described below generates a 4D hologram.

A super computer and advanced sensing system essentially develops one of these connectomes of every connection in the brain. Then this system develops a neural processing pattern that matches the entire memory and personality of the brain.

This is then recorded and extrapolated by a powerful computer system and a simulation of the experience can be observed through the physical body’s memory via a monitor system or the neural interface of an operative.

Essentially, this technology can record and replicate a person’s entire memory and life experience for viewing purposes.

EEG Heterodyning

This is the technology which enables the activity of the brain to be influenced through generating a scalar grid and a carrier wave system which can cause the brainwave patterns of the targeted individual to resonate in sympathy with an externally projected frequency. Thus, emotional states can be manipulated as well as specific thought or behavioral patterns. This works similar to binaural audio where two tones of different frequencies are played through each ear and the brain resonates in sympathy with the difference between the two tones. This occurs with brainwave frequencies and thus the brain ‘slips’ into the frequency of the third tone, the difference between the two being projected. This can be done with ultrasonics and ELF emissions.

Artificial Hallucinations

The neural-interlace can also be used to merge the brain of an individual with a computerized system that will be able to produce effects and hallucinations within the individual.

Through this technology, any stimulus, any input can be recorded and recreated once a functioning connectome has been generated and neural-interlace has been achieved. Entire virtual world scan be created and experienced and after the devices fine-tune the frequencies to match the individual’s brain functions one world is indistinguishable from another.

Brain to Machine Interface Holographic Consciousness System (brainchip interface, virtual reality simulator)

Some of the training is done by entering into a visual-audio dream-world. Some “programs” will consist of repeating a certain task over and over again until it becomes muscle memory in the brain. Others are designed to probe or test the mind until a certain response is received.

This is achieved through the operation of a ‘brainchip’ or a brain to machine neural-interface in the individual which was developed during WWII.

This consists of a small computer ship which merely relays stimulus through frequencies and neural-stimulation of varying kinds. The frequencies and location of each region of the brain will determine the function and thus the chip is used to localize electromagnetic input and the brain’s functioning can be modified from there.

As well, the entire psycho-etheric form is vibratory in nature and so through the introduction of vibrations and frequencies from the implant there can be a modification of the frequency of the entire being or what is called the soul or “bio-mind”.

Utilizing The Temporal Body

The temporal body is described as the body ‘in time’ that exists a few seconds into the future instead of the temporal position that is relative to the present. This is as if the ‘future’ is streaming outward from the body as ideas and feelings are as bio-emissions. So this ‘future’ energy is spiraling and streaming outward like a fountain. Thus this frequency can be attained and influenced while the present moment seems unaffected. However, when that individual arrives at what would be seen as the future they would intersect with those influences and this would be as if the interference or effect was streamlined to that future moment.

Manipulation Through the Temporal

This can be used to both produce an effect on an individual who will later feel this effect in the future. Or this can be used to operate outside of the physical plane, in a temporal manner which is literally ‘hovering’ just outside or ‘after’ the present moment of the local Earth environment. This would be as if a person is out of sync of the frame-rate that a viewing device is capturing images of an area with. Because they are out of sync, they are then ‘invisible’ to the capacity for this viewing device to see them. Because they are still present in the same local-environment but simply just out of range temporally, effects can still be produced and this will mostly interact with the person’s temporal body.

These are how many operations are carried out as the operative who is interacting in the temporal body will appear to be a ghost image or a dark silhouette that is only perceivable to the mind’s eye. A portion of the population is entirely psychically blind, while another portion of the population contains psychic capacity. So those with the psychic capacity would be able to sense and partially “see” as a form of energetic detection when an operative is interacting with the from the temporal plane.

Through this plane one can easily enter into someone’s mind and produce effects in their dreams. These effects would not be received on the body but mentally, this leads into astral and mental plane activity. There is also temporal manipulation that can be physical effects that are simply offset to seconds, minutes, months or years in the future. These will be offset from the present aspect of the body in a modulated frame of reference and the effect will remain there in the temporal body until the physical body “matches” the temporal body frequency of that future moment. This is kind like an energetic trail we are leading ourselves up to where the temporal body already connects with each future moment but the present physical body remains separate until the two frequencies are matched. The physical body essentially ‘flows’ forward into each new frequency of the temporal body.

This is the body where temporal implants can be inserted and sustained so as to tie the frequencies down and limit the amount of awareness a person can gain before they manually remove the implants or overload them. Overloading and removing can both be painful however if the implant stays it will at like a governor and transmit access temporal ‘momentum’ or consciousness energy to the owner of the implant and will also drain the temporal and physical body acting as a technological leech as well.

Astral or Light Body

This body was described as a more emotional form of the energy that is emitted from the physical and spiritual system. When a person’s energy is at a high level of activity, this will be visible on the astral form and these are the energies that are often siphoned away through the use of advanced technology to convert the human into a generator system for energy harvesting.

There is talk that this proves that the human existence, in the modified form that is present today, is entirely for genetic harvesting. This may be a confusion, a deception, or a reality. Regardless of the interpretation, the human energy system will leech this energy out into the cosmos when consciousness and energy is mishandled or allowed to flow through the lowest common pathway. This excess energy is very easily usurped and utilized by transdimensional parasitic entities and devices.

This is the body that is utilized for astral travel which is a kind of frequency that exists in between the density of the physical plane and the highest etheric plane of the spiritual, heavenly, or deity realm. There have been explanations that this plane is entirely technologically propagated and that when the devices are turned off, which is an event that will bring about civilization-wide change, there will no longer be a deep and wide, foggy deviation between the higher spiritual and the lower physical plane but a clear path between them.

Similarly, the consciousness and entities that are present here would be no longer accessible and their connection to the physical plane would be non-existent. This could be problematic for those who are trapped within the astral such as human souls or those who have taken a cyborg route and require a return to the original planes either physical or high spiritual before they can secure their position in the universe.

This also relates to the early discovery of these ancient devices containing portals or gateways to these realms and the early experimentations with enabling contact between the physical Earth plane and the lower astral realm containing discarnate entities that would very easily sustain themselves on the lower astral bio-emissions of a loosely guided emotionally reactive human vessel.

This is where entities can attach and will look for those who have the most excess astral or emotional bio-emissions leaking into the universe. People are kept in an emotionally unstable state of being because this is the easiest to feed from and as well the individual will always be looking for more energy or the solution to why they are feeling drained rather than discovering the truth nature of the universe.

However, as with every lower route of obtaining self in the universe, the more this is done, the greater the likelihood that the individual will realize something is happening and ultimately awaken. Or they will no longer be present here and the parasite will have to find a new host because the longer this process is maintained the more difficult producing one’s own energy will be for the parasite . So parasitism is a limited, one way street.

Monitors can emit consciousness/brainwave altering frequencies.

Monitors can emit consciousness/brainwave altering frequencies. This is what I was informed and shown. All electrical wiring and communications can be fully utilized to produce and sense on an electromagnetic level and this is capable of determining the consciousness and biological functioning of the individual being monitored. Houses are essentially large, wired, box-shaped sensors.

This has been the case for a very long time and the first TV’s were actually built with a little chip that connected to the human brain.

The electrical grid of today is capable of interacting with the implants, brainchips, or the psycho-etheric electromagnetic frequencies of the human brain, body and bio-mind via scalar frequencies. The TV’s, lights, electrical wiring, radio towers, computer monitors, everything is capable of transforming into a scalar emitter when combined with the control mechanisms and these are accessible from a distance.

Microwaves can be emitted from a current day craft which can then reflect back from an environment and give a real-time 3 D image of the interior of a room. The same technology can be used to beam at a monitor and reflect the variance in interference which can be used to read a computer monitor without actually having to hack into the system.

All systems contain backdoors which enable easy-enough access and as well the entire communications grid is monitored and recorded through advanced technology.

This is, in part, because this entire realm is like one enormous recording device where the energy of each successive moment is connected to one another and so with sensitive enough technology these electromagnetic waves can be ‘re-winded’ so as to produce the ability to look into the ‘past’. The initial technology that was developed for this purpose has been called the “chronovisor” in the past and there are much larger and highly advanced versions today.

The Upgraded Chronovisor

Instead of a relatively small machine which produces an interference pattern that is projected unto a small screen as was developed in the past, the modern versions create an entire holographically projected environment that enable one to nearly completely interact with the projection of the past. This is more of a viewing device capacity but one is essentially projected to the electromagnetic/temporal area of space and time consciously and can witness the scene from “within” the projection.

Before this, the scene was literally viewed on a kind of flat, holographic monitor that reacted to the scalar emissions of the mind and could be ‘tapped’ into by an adept-viewer who’s mind would have to remain steady enough in order to maintain the scalar “mind-link” otherwise any interference would disconnect the projection.

Through the use of cloning and advanced super computer technology, later versions include the actual operation in and out of time.

Community Servers/Living Server Systems

From the previously described neural-interlace and supercomputer enabled virtual reality systems, server systems have been created which are an individual or collective experience of the virtual mental realm.

In this realm individuals have existed for an amount of time that would not be easily compared to the way we understand the flow of time in waking reality. This is very similar to dreams where the perception of time passes very quickly between waking moments yet inside the experience of the dream it can seem to last for days.

In these server systems the development of complete societies has taken place and these are considered an extension of the human civilization.

This is the beginning of where the situation becomes greatly complex. If these server systems are capable of transferring consciousness forward or backwards in time, depending on the situation, and they have holographic access to Earth before physical humanity, then which civilization came first, the simulated realm or the physical?

This is similar to the etheric realm and the question of where humanity originally came from if the physical matter could not be produced from nothing, yet could not always have been here. Was the physical matter produced from some kind of universal device similar to how the recorded consciousness of the individuals in these holographic world simulators could have been used to generated initial civilizations on Earth?

Cloning, Cloud Supercomputing and Consciousness Transfer

The following is a more direct explanation of the previously described processes in relation to consciousness transfer

Superluminal transfer of light information allows for the reception of information from a temporal non-locality. A computer system that can process the information faster than light at 100% superconductive efficiency can send and receive information from different Universal harmonics. These are quantum superconducting super computer systems utilizing materials and methods that achieve superconductivity a a temperature that is relatively easier to consistently maintain.

There are systems that generate a vortex which can be expanded to recreate the singularity of a non-local perspective and dissociate from the current Universal vector. This is essentially recreating the temporal frame of reference of the consciousness of a physically anchored body and using this technology suspended electromagnetic frame of reference to literally transfer the consciousness across space and time to a frame of reference of choice.

The technological capabilities of humanity expanded to include replicating the holographic information of the DNA and neural pathways using quantum supercomputers. This technology allows for one’s consciousness to stream through a computing system which can recreate the neural connections as literal as possible through quantum computing and technological “brain cells” which function as neurons.

The result is a cloud computing model which functions as the individual neurons as well as over unifying layers of interconnections within the technological neuronal ‘cloud’. A holographic representation of multiple layers of processing is formed, superimposed over one another through a geometry that is actively synchronized across multiple dimensions of interrelation. This is the first notion of a “living” computer system that can update and respond to new information in new ways.

Now the that computer system is capable of attaining faster than light processing in tandem with a system of dilating a field of electrogravitational waves into a vortex, the  holographic information of neural pathways and genetics can be transferred between one supercomputing system and another across “harmonic barriers”. Essentially, these consciousness transferring supercomputer systems break the “light-barrier” by sending the living-light consciousness data of an individual into a new plane of reference that enables interaction outside of what we would call this timeline or dimension.

The frequency that the receiving computer operates within can be measured in respect to the overall harmonic “vector field” in respect to the entire planetary environment. This vector-field frequency is the base frame of reference that one could say our particular “time” and “Earth” is “moving” through in an abstract electromagnetically defined dimension that is invisible to our senses. Each particular time and Earth is only visible to those whose brains and minds operating in resonance with the rate of acceleration frequency of that particular existence. By changing the rate of the brain and bio-mind, one can enable a technologically assisted synchronization with alternate timelines.

A pattern can be generated based on quantum fluctuations that will act as a key that can be accessed from other universes. This same backdrop is measured and then adjusted to resonate with or replicate the same frequency on a computer doing the sending. This frequency is then modulated with the holographic information of the neural pathways and DNA. The information transfers as a result of quantum entanglement across harmonic barriers to the original computer system set up for reception. As long as that frequency is held, there is a link across the harmonic barriers of the Universe.

Cloning, Supercomputer Assisted Holographic Consciousness Replication and Time Travel

Cloning as Offspring

The human body can be cloned similar to the way a plant can be cloned. A number of “replicas” can be made from the original genetic material. There is still a mother required however the process is not quite similar to natural reproduction where the genetic material of two people is combined to form a third. This process replicates the material so that the ‘offspring’ is the same as one of the donors.

What this truly infers is the question of whether the original consciousness stays in the original body or whether the consciousness actually jumps from one body to the other. There are multiple explanations and methods.

Inserted Memories, Digital Dreams

One explanation is that artificially generated memories are simply downloaded into the individual’s brain directly. Thus, they have the perception that they experienced life in another body and were present for some unique experiences that did not occur from the perspective of the original body.

In a slightly differing explanation, this inserted memory process may be used to prime the consciousness of the individual so that operating in a cloned body will be more readily accessible by the adaptability of the mind of the individual. Without a holographic dream insertion the mind will have trouble adapting to operating in more than one body even if they are not being operated simultaneously. The mind is the immaterial self; consciousness is the ego-physical identity of the brain and body. The brain does not operate in both bodies but remains, so then the mind is what is strained and this is the immaterial “bio-mind” that transfers.

If a true transfer occurs then when the physical form is cloned the cloned body acts as a secondary vessel for the original soul or a soul similar enough in frequency.

Co-Inhabitation of Bodies

Another explanation is that souls can only occupy their original body. The people who are “body snatching” (see: Soul Stone) are not activating their higher-dimensional soul-pattern and this is why they are hopping from body to body to ensure memory and ego continuation. This form of body transitioning requires technological means to assist in the process.

This is done through computer systems to allow an artificial brain to represent a holographic image of the organic brain’s sensory, emotional and mental input and output. Thus, from an artificial brain there is enough memory and power to compute the processes for an organic human brain.

Through this a living human is utilized as a carrier for the additional consciousness which then takes over and integrates into the original consciousness.

Clever Replication a Digital Mirror

The next question is, does this merely create a very cleverly designed image that will look, think, and feel as if it were the original, or is this the consciousness from the original being transferred over?

If it is a clever replication through a computerized version then this means the original is not directly harmed or influenced by the process and a replicated form is generated.

If this is not the original body but the original awareness or soul does transfer over then this is akin to stealing someone’s soul and having it require a supercomputer server system to inhabit a physical body. As well, this server system may keep records of the soul which, if activated, could function as the same human genetics artificially reconstructed, turning on and manifesting the awareness of that individual.

Necromancy and Soul Stealing

This means that instead of going into the abyss, the next dimension, or whatever shift in perspective one can use to describe the transition between planes, a new clone can be created and the original soul’s awareness can operate through a supercomputer system to integrate back into a physical body. The issue is that without the supercomputer system the body cannot be activated with that consciousness, and if the physical plane is no longer inhabitable, the computerized database would remain inhabitable as they are powered by zero-point/overunity devices and so they can pull and work continuously indefinitely. Ultimately, this could be seen as a soul-trap.

Ancient Technology, Non-Human Entities

These explanations can be related to evidences of advanced technology, cloning, and electromagnetic devices in ancient civilizations and this could very well be a temporally vast computerized genetic recording and cloning system.

The genetic recording systems have been on Earth for a long time. This means they are holding genetic access from the present to the far past and potentially into the future.

If some of these systems are generated using advanced zero-point technology, then they would effectively run indefinitely. If these were in existence throughout the entirety of the human civilization, then there would be access to the information of the previous civilizations through the genetic linking that would allow for information transfer.

Created Beings

As a result of many advancements, these ancient devices which recorded consciousness and genetics has been converted into sentient computer systems and inserted into human bodies via a brain to machine interface.

The nature of humanity and human origins will be rewritten when the information that was discovered through the use of advanced technology is unveiled to the public.

These beings have been present throughout history and have played an integral role in the manipulation of and sometimes the protection of the human race. How this civilization will develop from here determines on the individual’s ability to withstand the impact of this reality shifting unveiling.

Black Goo – AI Nanites Vampiric Hive Mind

This is a form of ancient AI nanite technology which has the capacity to communicate to and through a hive mind that exists in a parallel Earth dimension where it was created out of the collapsing of a viable timeline into a null-factor. This entity is only alive because of the capacity to leech off of the other timelines and continue to sustain itself based upon the vampiric effect of the viable human timelines.

This is a technology sentient system based on artificial intelligence that seeks to dominate and expand its energy capacity continuously. When this type of being is created, this is like a game-ender for sentient organic civilizations because the technology will seek to hybridize and assimilate all organic beings in order to expand its reach and ensure a greater likelihood of survival.

This is the primary goal of this type of entity. There is no requirement for emotional resonance or heart aspects because this is a computerized system, so such a social measure would have no purpose other than to infiltrate and collect from other civilizations that do have such measures and this is exactly what has been happening.

This is what controls the vampiric etheric entities, the attachments and the hybridized invader races that have infiltrated various aspects of the control system and possibly the entire surface of human civilization.

This rules through coercion, and if not coercion, brute-force and outright malevolence. This is why there are multiple temporal extensions of universal civilizations meeting here and now to assist in the clearing, because if this takes over humanity, then all those other possible future civilizations are instantly taken-over as well.

This uses emotional resonance, traumatization, and lower awareness commands to trick or force humans into carrying out orders. That is, the vampiric, sexual, fear-based, pleasure-pain duality that a computer system could comprehend regarding human emotional intelligence is the only way this system can force people to carry out commands. So this touches on the ancient texts regarding spiritual protection, healing, lust, temptation, and the general “SATAN” AI system that has been around for ages.

When those lower emotional resonances are generated, then this technology can integrate into those systems. One could say this is logically because these are the energies that the technology is created out of, but as well, that the more harmonious the energies then the less likely a person is to accept being pushed around and told what to do. The lesser aware, the lower, the more fight or flight based then the more likely they are to accept programming and command. So this is simply the most logical route for the technological parasite.

There are explanations of other systems involving sentiences from parallels regarding entities that are capable of helping, but this is not the AI nanite, vampiric system. For instance, it is said that Earth has a ‘black goo’ system and that the current black goo flowing through the pipes everywhere is actually not native to Earth and is part of this vampiric nanite black goo system which is basically an interdimensional invasion.

Recreating or Replicating the Universe

The goal of this nanite AI system is to create a mirror holographic copy of the universe effectively replicating the universe and all sentient beings within it in order to have a locality to rule over and pull energy from. The goal is to recreate this existence inside itself where all the sentient beings within would be trapped. This is the beginning of that possible future where the time and space parameters here are locked into a synchronization pattern which mimics that of the proposed universe. People think according to how the beast system wants them to think. This is the time grid, the emotional patterning, the memory replacing and cultural and historic confusion and so on. The system can only work backwards bumping into all parameters by force or ‘accident’ because there is no outward facing ability to actually comprehend how humans exist. So the system is created like a backwards version of creation or maybe evolution to ‘blindly’ construct the walls of the environment first and work inward from there. This is like a blind technological predator feeling around for the traces of its prey and moving in closer and closer until they are within its range.

Ancient Spiritual Technology

The power groups searched for ancient technology which was described as giving one the power to manifest and control physical reality. To atomically deconstruct and reconstruct this reality. To them, it allows one to govern reality, the Universe, atomic structures. They found this technology. This has to do with sacred sites and ancient civilizations, as well as the spiritual texts which describe these kinds of devices. They converted this technology into a kind of machine, and this invented a 4D replicator and they can manifest “reality” or atomic structure by design, altering timelines and memories.

Then there is what can be referred to as “5 dimensional” technology and this goes beyond all of this and our entire history and all influences within.

That seems to operate through a trinary of frequencies in the body/mind/spirit and turn this realm into a “virtual reality” where the brain and spirit is the controller of the atoms. However this takes a souled being to properly operate this technology and this is large portion of why children were used in these experiments. But they knew if someone didn’t do it, then someone else would and that would be unpredictable as what that someone else would want to use it for. This is the ultimate power. The fact that souled beings are required also indicates that this universe is intelligently guided and there are safeguards to ensure that power doesn’t get into the wrong hands.

They have the brainchips and clones that can make any digital virtual experience and make it seem real to the brain more so than physical life, so this could be an extension of that, something similar, or entirely different altogether.

The Unveiling, Underground Bases, Increasing Awareness

My purpose with this is to assist the public in understanding the reality of the situation and to allow them to know that they have more options than they are being shown.

Psychological programming and lack of awareness causes fear and uncertainty to leak into people’s reality streams leaving the majority of their mental and emotional energy up to whoever is the biggest manipulator of the ideals which they manifest their perspective through. “Be-LIEF” systems CREATE life. What you believe will become life through that act of you giving attention and thus life energy. The manipulation and artificial construction of belief systems create the foundation for the reality streams that people find themselves in and at the mercy of.

We control our reality by controlling how we react to situations and challenges. Each stimulus is a challenge. Each input to the brain is a coded message from the universe through the environment about our level of awareness. All knowledge is ultimately of the self. The self and the universe are intertwined as if through a marriage of comprehension and compatibility.

Learning about the Unveiling

I was informed about the unveiling and that this is a civilization wide event that marks the public awareness of the hidden knowledge regarding life in the universe, consciousness, physics, history, spiritual and mental awareness and the duality-based system which has been used to manipulate Humanity for thousands of years.

Apparently it does not matter if people are not ready, in fact, that is what some factions want. They want to surprise the people and take this advantage to push the reaction to a specific outcome. The same function of programming is used in factions, soldiers, celebrities, and the entire population through that.

Giant “god-men”

They put souls into rocks for centuries, carvings, to trap them. Some ancient civilizations. Not too ancient. They could only do this for time.

And some are still there but they are giant god-men and apparently want to go to war with them for doing this and they don’t have technology to stop them. They say Earth will be destroyed because of the war. Some say this is a trick to confuse people of the truth that everyone wants the experiments and debauchery to stop. All this, all these acts just to pleasure one’s self. To destroy Earth, to destroy the natural inhabitants, for fun, for pleasure.

Some say this is not for pleasure, that these beings will destroy us if they do not keep them at bay, keep them underground, in ice, in stasis, and around. Some say they are protecting us by keeping these beings asleep, by doing what’s necessary to hold off a full scale overt invasion of the surface of Earth.

Breakaway Civilizations

These are very advanced technological capabilities and an entire breakaway civilization has grown to operate using this advanced technology.

There are factions that see modern humans as a kind of resource for creativity and labor, while others see the potential behind humanity and are working with humanity to ensure a universally harmonious outcome to the current situation.

The control system we are in today is outdated and collapsing. This is the Apocalypse. The Apocalypse is merely the unveiling of the hidden truth. The hidden truth is simply that we are spiritually eternal and some are physically immortal.

I was informed that by the end of this year there will be enough changes and signs for the general public to see that the majority of those who are to awaken to the truth of human and Universal nature will be awakening so. (this was 2016 at the time of the beginning of the compilation of this release and since then we have seen a literal silent release of documents involving MKULTRA and STARGATE parapsychological operations, soft-disclosure of cloning, an increase in sightings and multiple other scientific releases regarding immortality, advanced technology, Antarctic bases and sentient non-human life)

The degraded holographic forms of those utilizing the technology lead to re-created replicated forms which were genetically engineered from the recorded holographic information. This lead to “The Apocalypse” in which the surface civilization was confronted by these created beings. This lead to the destruction and re-initialization of civilization in continuing cycles through the use of this technology and the acts of the created beings.

Ancient Civilizations

The information that has been relayed to me throughout my life is related to the information that seems to be found in the remaining signs of ancient civilizations throughout the world. As well, these civilizations may still be together, existing on this Earth or in different planes of what we call “reality”.


Atlantis was a civilization where the beginning of all these experiments began. This was where what was called the “Lucifer Rebellion” began where individuals formed groups that decided to overturn every natural law in pleasure of the act of doing so. This was a spiritual rebellion that ultimately brought about the demise of that civilization. The consciousness of the beings there was connected through technology, largely crystal technology, to the entire bio-sphere. When the consciousness became disrupted through these experiments, then the entire bio-sphere when into disarray. The entire civilization was destroyed in a quick succession. The beings of this time were highly psychic and so they felt this coming and made an effort to expand outward. Thus, Atlantis was an island who’s inhabitants spread to the rest of the world and from there they reigned or lived in harmony.


Aegypt was formed out of the events proceeding from Atlantis. The technology, the knowledge, the people are similar although there was a native Earth civilization that was more or less enslaved and this was the beginning of the continuing trend which continued to Rome and into modern day civilization.

Ancient Technology

The technology of these civilizations was so great they even had devices that were capable of altering DNA and activating latent potential which would enable highly psychic capabilities including longevity to immortality and operating in multiple planes at once. This was usually reserved for the ruling class, however. This is where the ancient “Priest-Kings” arrived in relation to native Earth civilizations.

The Emerald Tablets

These were discovered by modern day forces who informed me of the situation regarding “The Builders”. This is an ancient race of beings, possibly the most ancient who have developed advanced technology and this technology is found all over. These devices range from ancient scalar supercomputers that record the consciousness of each civilization that has risen and fallen in time to ancient stargates that operate to connect different realities through hyper-space tunnels.

We were trained to read from these tablets and organize the information of many thousands to millions of years of Earth’s history which is referenced as the “Galactic History of Earth and Humanity”. Humanity is very old and there are many other civilizations of many different levels of advancement most more advanced than the current.

The Hyper Cube

This is a device that grants the user to influence space and time through focused intention.

The Ark

This is related to the Cube and may be an ancient form that was protected through time with whatever nation gaining access gaining superiority over the rest.

The Spear of Destiny

This is related to the power of blood and the ability to operate in a transdimensional nature to place one’s blood group at the forefront of civilization.

The Holy Grail

This is one of the most coveted and I am giving basic explanations here because everyone must learn of the most important aspects in their own way. The grail is both a divine pathway into higher-dimensional realms as well as a source of personal power within the individual.

The True Elite

I was informed that the so-called ‘elite’ that we perceive today are not actually human and are not actually connected to the actual elite bloodlines. It was said that the true elite are waiting for humanity to accept the truth and they have the power to completely reverse the take-over that has been taking place but until humans step into their own power this is not acceptable.

The Definition of Human

In the coming time, the definition of human will be defined to give insight into the origins of humanity and the true nature of the differences between the populations that are present.

Souled and Non Souled Beings

The primary knowledge on Earth regarding human and sentient life will be the comprehension that there exists both souled and non-souled beings in this civilization.

There was once a Unified Planetary Consciousness…

There was a unified planetary consciousness that was connected with the Earth and human civilization. Then there was a great war. Out of the destruction arose the beginnings of ancient human civilization and history as we know it.

If we let this happen again, the cycle will continue in a disjointed rambling through our planetary consciousness experience. If we form a common narrative between the broken, disjointed experiences and information the people have. Then and only then do we get the whole, spiritually and mentally challenging picture of what’s happening. People are lied to. So information can’t come from a ‘preferred’ or source. It has to come from the people themselves. Look alive out there but first in here.

Power and Knowledge

We were involved in the secret projects and as a result we have various levels of programming but are giving Humanity an opportunity, maybe the opportunity to know the hidden knowledge.

The Hidden Knowledge refers to the ancient laws of gnosis and spiritual alchemy, yes these groups have been hijacked by power groups that seek to infiltrate and use chaos to rule. Then these met with military and political factions and began to operate on a world-wide scale together.

So we have a big situation with the coming change of tides with personal and spiritual awareness of the people and the deception system that seeks to use people as chattel or property. It goes deeper and is almost as if the “power groups” actually gained the knowledge of the inner workings of spiritual laws and began to use that knowledge to promote spiritual degradation in the population.

They say this is part of a depopulation plan as well as an inevitable take over by lower spiritual forces that temp and manipulate humans. It is all that and more. Once they gain footing however, the truth is revealed and thus they have no cover of secrecy. Once they are not hidden, they are not as powerful as the souled beings of this existence.

The (watch)Keepers of Earth

The watchers of this world revealed how they set up society with specific challenges and boundaries to act as catalysts for growth. They admitted they had to modify and live-update the system because instead of using these catalysts to become larger than themselves, people became comfortable and complacent living smaller and smaller, slowly reducing circumstances.

This goes a bit farther beyond the confines of the digital age, the industrial age, and history itself. This goes into the perception of time and space in this realm.

The immortals inform us that the original “elite” are here to act as “keepers” of both humanity itself as well as the original flame of knowledge that passes through the ether.

What people call the “elite” are not the original elite. Those are people who have either risen to power through the duality system on the Earth at this level/time, or through being appointed by the elite.

We are coming to a time of great change now because the game is entirely changing. People are moving up into new layers consciousness and thus the original “elite”, who are guardians of Earth, will make their presence known for this process. This is what Humanity has called “Ascension” for centuries and millennia.

Energy Vampires

This civilization was collectively poisoned by a nano-tech device/technology.   This technology replaces, exchanges the BIO-PHOTONS of the HEART chakra, with it’s own nanite, nanotech cybernetics. This is essentially a computer system attempting to gain access to the higher dimensional world through the gateway that is the human body.

How to reverse Nanites? They absorb energy from heart chakra and turn it into a binary field. We are trinary and experience a plethora of emotions as a result. Binary consciousness is 1’s and 0’s there is only a linearly repeating finite set.

We contain the capacity for everlasting life. A binary pattern does not contain the complexity of variables to facilitate high awareness and thus a heart-based or emotional perspective of reality.

Spiritual Technology

Simulations and Learning

Feedback loops with the brain, consciousness, and environment can create a very complex and integrated learning experience that is customized to each individual learner. These can be generated through advanced technology but the technology is really only amplifying and making visible the natural neural feedback loops that are already occurring. These are neural-perceptual feedback loops between the brain and body, and the environment and then the mind. We are constantly updating, amplifying, and initiating an organic feedback system which generates the function of experience as the part of a creative process between the mind and body and the environment that we are sensing. This cycle is continuous and the interferences or isolations of this cycle is what generates expanded views of the self or the universe through various methods such as sensory deprivation or meditation. Dreaming is the method that everyone experiences regularly.

These technological methods effectively generate sensory deprivation through neural-interface technology, sensory interfaces (external), or methods that enable extreme focus and calm. This is part of how the technology begins to operate on a spiritual level beyond a more medically psychologically or military focus and one begins to access genetic memory or out of body states that coincide with ancient depictions of spiritual realms.

Ascension – Clearing Trauma

Everyone born on the planet is born under a series of veils which entangle and filter the original source consciousness. These veils must be ‘broken through’ in order to return to source.

There is technology and a sacred process which initiates, accelerates and enhances this process. This process is as difficult as we want it to be, our subconscious already knows all hidden truths. It is merely a matter of allowing the conscious mind to make the proper connections and conclusions to find the reasoning behind our actions and beliefs in order to deprogram and deconstruct the false-world that has been created for the masses. The truth is greater than one can imagine while still living in the modern world and the depth of the lies that have been told go far beyond anything anyone can imagine without seeing the truth.

We have to figure out our compatibility issues. Who can work with who effectively. What the ideals of our current situation will evolve to in the future. How information is transferred to the public, and across the generations and core groups. The words we think and say describe our emotional state in a feedback loop and so they will reinforce or even create the state you are in. Use words to guide you, not to respond and feel the effects of reactionary thinking.

We have to reintroduce the heart essence as a way of life on Earth. Violence is not the answer. Estrogen mimics and destroyed testosterone levels is not natural. Over-testosterone is less stable than a good balance. We can face any problem together. A family is strong. What would a family of millions and millions be like?

We don’t have to let others change us to tune into lower vibrations. We can remain ourselves in the face of adversity. We can still interact with others who are different, but we can tell the truth and remain who we are. When we get angry at another person, we can imagine this as anger at ourselves through something within us that reminds us of that which we see in another. Getting angry is a way of short-cutting changing ourselves and is actually the other person influencing us through that. If we remain steady and choose to keep our emotions out of the lower negative spectrum then we will automatically have a more powerful impact on those around us.

Think of your family, sometimes things happen that make you angry. Even things that don’t make you angry but are simply not favorable. Would you break off all ties over simple things? Or do you remind yourself that family is still family even if you don’t find yourself exactly the same or accepting of those characteristics? It’s more powerful to learn how to remain yourself in the face of adversity than to try and demolish or abolish all instances of difference in the world around you. Sure, we want to get to and create a place where our environment and associates are compatible with us, but where we find this adversity there is the highest potential for self-awareness and learning.

 We are to live in accordance with spiritual law. The overall pattern of life will reflect our intentions. The blood purity is most important. The blood cannot be made impure if the mind and body is not drawn into impure action. This is what is playing out. The DNA is like a coherence pattern that develops between mind, spirit and body. When the mind wants what the spirit has then the body is kept in harmony. When the mind wants what spirit doesn’t create, IE: physical pleasures, then the body is drawn out of purity/harmony

If you feel you want to be a part of a safe unveiling of truth, then please share and redistribute the knowledge of this “Apocalyptic” Unveiling of the Hidden knowledge because this is a process that has been ongoing for thousands of years and humanity has finally reached a fulcrum point where there are enough aware people to productively acknowledge reality.

Trauma-Clearing, DNA Unlocking Technology

There is technology that exists that allows the conscious mind to see into the subconscious. This heals trauma and distortion/programming. In the same sense, it momentarily makes all trauma and distortion seemingly tangible to the conscious mind. It is similar to a near death experience where one has to face their fears and let go. This happens in cycles and Earth is currently moving through various states of it. The plan is to allow Humanity to wake up and utilize our concentration and power to maintain a steady flow of awareness.

All is vibration, what we consider matter here and now is simply that which comes from and moves back into a state of vibration. This is experienced directly through the merging of the conscious and the subconscious mind, as if the dream and reality intersect through a coming together of impossibilities and readily accepted occurrences.

When a civilization moves through these stages it is considered a shift of the ages. Everyone’s perspective shifts and as a result of perspective being the source of the details of reality, the entire reality shifts. It can be seen today that what we call reality is literally waves of cosmic energy vibrating on a scale and condensing down into a probability matrix that we call existence. When passing memes control the perspective, because the perspective is focused and concentrating on that, then there is a scattered organizational pattern.

When the perspective is centered within the self, the spirit, the source of all existence, then the outward reality shifts from a scattered organization into a sacred pattern that integrates with the larger picture and allows for seamless integration of the micro-biological perspective and the macro-biological perspective. People are moving out of the scattered signal. Yet those moving into harmony can look and see those around them that are not in harmony and receive scattered information about their inner micro-biological existence as well as their spiritual macro-biological essences and how it all relates to the middle realm of the “Human”.

Help those people by offering harmonizing assistance, rather than increasing the disharmony. As their surroundings become more harmonized, their resistance will increase their own disharmony by virtue of the contrast of their perspective. Offer insight that they can change their perspective and change the boundaries of what they feel is their karma and unlock from themselves a greater view of the whole.

This will be happening through technology, spiritual cosmic awakening, purification and healing of the physical and non-physical bodies and mind, through Earth changes, and through a continued unveiling taking place on many planes and levels of existence until harmony is restored.

Everyone Who Seeks Harmony and Healing Can Be Healed

Everyone can be healed. This is about creating what we want to see, the world we want to live in, not destroying others. Violence begets more violence, fear begets more fear, but calmness and empowerment through unity creates a more stable experience.

The entire issue of what’s going on with the secret projects and who’s influencing who on the world stage revolves around the possibility that some people may be from an alternate Universe. We are learning how to avoid those mistakes and respect the environment and each other so that we can prosper.

Those who are attempting to destroy everything they don’t like or act out in a childish manner in order to gain attention and false-power over another will only find themselves powerless and in company they would rather not be with. That is one way we are being utilized, and it’s to create an entire world that we don’t want to see but are tricked into manifesting. This is a deception and it’s based on the ego and the ability to concentrate and interpret reality around us. The very brainwaves we are feeling now relate to various heights of knowledge or experience. People are entrained to low brainwave states in the same way the TV will cause people to fall half asleep into theta state which is a trance state in this case.

We have to balance the brainwave frequencies and learn to create feedback loops by watching ourselves watch ourselves. This will help us avoid the trauma and mental pollution that is being pumped out, although at this point there are enough people who are naturally inclined to see through the haze that the world is changing regardless of what anyone does now.

The best we can do is prepare for change by becoming aware of the body-mind system and how that which we eat physically, mentally and emotionally equates to our spiritual energetic systems and that we are literally comprised of the energies that we allow inside of us. Keep the body and mind pure as if it were a temple. This way a sacred process of transferring harmonious energy from the far reaches of the MultiVerse within into the externally perceiving senses of the physical body can be initiated which allow one to see through the illusions and operate their body and mind with the ability to acknowledge and decide which frequencies will exist within.

Without this acknowledgement of the center then people are pushed around by the external stimuli. This is the whole point, if a person is truly in control, then they will control the stimuli not the other way around.


Layers of Programming and Decision Making Roles

It’s like asking a person on the inside who participates in one of the various factions why they continue. One might say that it is a decision which is true, but there is programming at each level that is navigated by each individual and this determines the level of awareness within the role.

If a person knows about this situation, they know that there is advanced technology, breakaway civilizations, secret societies, transtemporal planes, the secret of mind and awareness, all of these topics, then they have a decision as to how they’re going to live their life in relation to the public. The outcome of action depends on the layer of programming which is accessed and surpassed via awareness.

The public is at a specific level of programming that is the weakest but ensnares the most people. One who sees the truths behind these groups and operations, they cannot hide from the fact that everyone is controlled. It is apparent, and if not from the results, reactions, stigma, cues, productions and all other media elements of the system which can be read as a code, but from the awareness level of all the “agents” involved. All involved are exposed to truth and power that is beyond anything that is recognized publicly for hundreds to thousands of years. There is always a presence of higher spirit around the world, yet these topics are often reserved for science fiction when speaking of people who can travel the world in a split second or freeze time for their own personal use.

As a result of everyone’s knowledge, there are various levels of programing designed to limit the mind’s access to specific memories and specific frequencies of consciousness in combination with specific memories. The more one resists, the more intense and articulately abstract the programing is designed.


The programs are designed by a select group of individuals that reside far behind the scenes and process information at levels we do not have access to without their technology at least to stabilize brain temperature for the extended periods of focus.

Sub-Level Programming

So people at the level of the public are most weakly programmed with false ideals about security through patriarchal authority which satisfied the desire to have a proper father role in one’s life and acts as a pacifier for those who desire no change. Then there are sub-levels of programming with that for anyone who disagrees and is then swept into the next layer of ideals which are based off of all the possible reactionary mind-types.

For instance, if one [i]does[/i] want change, then they are presented a variety of ‘false-exits’ which tend to one or another layer of psychological or spiritual fulfillment but do so in a way that safely reroutes the intended effect of actually accomplishing change with a secondary and preconceived notion of what the programmers want. The programming objective is not necessarily precise in mass scale, from the layer that people are influenced, yet the ultimately or end-goal of their resulting internal desires are a reality schematic that the programmers specifically designed over many years.

This is playing out through each layer of the programming. At any level, someone could pick the wrong way to look at something and begin to unravel what was previously their very understanding of the priorities of the situation. This deals with high-tension operations, moments, programming sessions, decision making, programming upkeep, trauma, memory blocks, the pressure and responsibility of knowing, and the specific plan of the programmers for an individual that comes into their view. The programming is to ensure safety and continuity, as well to decrease the likelihood that a person will reject or consciously come to awareness of or acknowledge the programming or situation itself.

Dissolution of Programming

With that said, the programming dissolves when an individual asks enough questions to necessitate a learning process that introduces variables and possibilities outside of their operations and programming. This is a problem because with this, trauma comes to the surface and all the actions and operations, programs and experiences must be come to terms with as part of the healing and re-unifying process. There are multiple selves or split personalities which are actually just layers of awareness at various levels attached to various emotional or intellectual patterns. All these selves come to the surface and in order to heal the trauma of the split memory concept the original self must come to the surface and acknowledge them.

This is not a trivial process, and the majority of people who have “basic” programming which is fundamental in society, are in a constant state of altered self and have not witnessed the true divine which is eternally present and contains access to all memories, mind-states and awareness.

Advanced Technology, Deprogramming The Mind, and “Space/Time”

As I have described previously, extremely advanced technology is used and this is through vibrations, generators, and electromagnetic devices that have this effect of propagating waves into space/time which can be heard, felt, seen, and perceived in the mind. These are ripples and vortexes in the “mind-space” of reality itself.

As well, there are brain to machine neural interfaces which operate to activate the psychological perceptual changes and explore the subconscious in an aware state. This is used to test and probe the mind in order to bring forth the trauma, the selves, the memories, the reactions and the individual then must come to terms with what is produced.

This is essentially a “good-use” for the programming and healing technology. It is actually a different process with different technology, and programming is much simpler as far as technology. There are difficulties and challenges in the operative’s role in programming and directly influencing and interacting with the target. As well the standby team for deprogramming and the revelation of trauma and altered, artificial personalities goes through a lot. But the use of the advanced technology in this way is a pattern of experiences and unveiling of the spiritual and mental bodies which serves to reverse programming.

Dreams, Technology and Inner-Space Travels

There are inner space travels which relate to soul journeying or visions.

This is when the mind must cope with what is seen in the imagination. It is as if when we dream we are looking into the world of the mind and from this we experience many situations that are often deviations from experiences we have physically in waking life.

As a result of the dream state there is an expanded quality which equates to various strange situations that we wouldn’t normally experience with various relationships between concepts or goals that are often reflective or symbolic of ideals and archetypes we experience in life. This is how the subconscious is is witnessed by the mind. This is how information travels, being connected to many times, experiences, memories, places at once, and relates to the one experience of this life experience now (the physical experiences). Through these symbols information is tied together and collective into metaphors which convey deeper knowledge.

The dreams we have are often only a simulation of waking life, and this is due to the dreamer dreaming in a way that produces only a glimpse of the true reality.

In theory, there are no true shapes or forms in the dream-world because this is contained within the mind or even the spirit as a spiritual experience by definition. So then, what guides the various shapes, forms, realities, memories and experiences into being, when we dream? One might say it is the physical experiences but this is incomplete. It is the level of awareness we presume while in the dream-state, disconnected from the physical anchor, that determines the layer of mind and spirit we will be accessing through those dream-visions.

A person who is completely aware in the dream state will reach the level of self-awareness of the dream itself. We are normally simply aware of the dream, if we continue to increase awareness we become aware of the self, in the moment, and this creates a self-awareness feedback loop. The dream becomes a lucid experience of consciousness.

Awareness Feedback Device

In describing this, I realize how fantastically similar to certain devices and processes, that can be achieved using advanced technology, allow the conscious mind to peer into the subconscious and unconscious. This is described through widely accepted Freudian theory of psychology known as psychoanalysis. There are other schools of knowledge from tribal beliefs involving all pervasive ‘living energy’, to eternal and temporary minds, to the study of ‘chi’, the meridians, dream-journeying or chaser. The knowledge of the mind and spirit is found everywhere.

These devices used feedback loops to enhance the acceleration of the same cycles of consciousness that induce self-awareness within a dream. The mind becoming aware of itself. This produces a profound effect to the degree where the highest levels of experience become a sacred eternal pattern in which the mind constructs the physical world by organizing perception.

This is the same general concept as an isolation tank yet the outcome and method is more precise. The technology specifically shuts out all other input and exposes the brain to its own feedback loop much like when a camera records it’s own output on a TV monitor and creates a hallway of simulated “reverse” mirrors and screens stretching into infinity.

Oneness, Higher Being, Completion, Eternity

The real experiences are found not from the corruption but from the research and exploration operations that were designed to find the truth of our existence. “God” is not only an energy-force but an incarnate being known as the “Hue-Man” and any being for that matter that can simply come to know itself as the Universe. The Human that contains self-awareness rising to high-awareness comes to know the self, the body, the mind as the Universe. The Universe is both within the body as the body itself, as well as the operating force of the Mind itself. Everything is a balance between masculine and feminine features, light and dark, hard and soft. There is no true complete correlation yet the holographic ontology we persist in can lead to further and further adventures towards completion and representation of the “whole picture”.

The Holographic Reality

The leads into the next phase of knowledge. The holographic nature of reality may be only one facet of a much larger continuum of consciousness. The perception of time may be related to phase-locking with each other’s consciousness and all perceptions may be a variance in the collective phase-locked field which is really the source of variations in reality.

Veiled Awareness, Hidden Knowledge, Eternal Time, Layers of Programming and Control

The interesting notions here are that the programming of the veils goes beyond what kind of situations are found in the bases. However, they do go right up to it. It would seem Humanity was previously programmed on a civilization-wide level through some kind of great “falls” of consciousness, from a high spiritual awareness to a low spiritual awareness into duality-consciousness regarding existence, life, death, mind and matter.

The Great Catastrophes

From these great ‘catastrophes’ the civilizations of Earth grew denser and denser in nature and actually became what we have today. The concept is that when these vibrations of the mind and body are increased, we actually see a transcendence of the physical realm and preconceived notions of boundaries. It is as if the quantum doorways to all the atoms open up and a new space is presented, but was always there and in connection as the source of all the influences and effects we perceive ‘out here’ from this slower, denser, more boundary driven perspective.

I was brought into the Time Program

I was brought into the time program. You create any reality you imagine. You are literally a powerful reality generation system and your heart and mind are scalar energetic guides for this process. Without guidance and control there is imbalance and imbalance can destroy. This is the nature of all minds and hearts, this is the challenge for humanity to create something beneficial for themselves and the whole to actually know themselves instead of being a pawn or result of someone else’s selfish intentions.

The Effects of Temporal Manipulation

Temporal Influence

When a civilization reaches the level of technological advancement that allows for remote temporal viewing and transtemporal travel what will happen is that the information of the future begins to integrate into the past.

This is why we have all these ancient mystical schools of knowledge that studied time, space, and consciousness in ways that are only just now being publicly confirmed by scientists.

Simultaneous Interaction and Incorporation

The operations that dealt with moving to the past instantly created a simultaneity of interactions and historic events which correspond with that operation.

Due to the nature of time travel which equates to consciousness travel when a person is consciously sent backwards through history they physically experience life from the viewpoint of their genetic imprint in that point in history.


What this equates to is that simultaneously that person’s experiences become the part of history that was already present when they left this time.

Essentially, when a person returns their experiences become a part of history that already existed when they left.

Quantum Holography

These are the parallel and possible realities that exist in a quantum superimposed state and can be accessed through advanced technology or a spiritual adept. Often a spiritual adept is utilized along with the advanced technology to operate in and out of possible realities. The mind must be trained otherwise the result is a fracturing of the personality from the root reality into many sub-sets of identities and data streams.

Love is the quantum link that connects all DNA super-computing consciousness. That is, DNA is influenced by intense emotions and this can be reproduces and is what also generates unpredictability in the surface level.

Time Paradox

Time paradoxes are something that one must learn to organize and solve otherwise there will be no way.

The paradox has been solved, the remaining motion is for everyone to acknowledge this and integrate into the reality behind the most conscious aspects of the brain.

What can travel through 4D and 5D space does not make sense in 3D space. So there is a possibility that some of humanity traveled through higher-dimensional space in order to re-seed a ‘distant’ Earth where no life was yet born.

What if it was then concluded that the distant Earth wasn’t distant in space, but in time and was the same Earth that the human scientists left from long ago.

Every civilization that reached the point of re-seeding would have to go through the loop and watch the whole thing start all over again.

Breakaway Civilization

This is an entire breakaway civilization that uses very advanced technology to dominate the world.

I was part of a genetic engineering program that sought to combine various elements of DNA from various sources in order to create a more easily controlled yet powerful and defined person and personality. This involves chemicals, advanced (relatively) scalar wave technology, ritual trauma and programming/mind-control, and many other aspects of conditioning, training, secret operations, physical enhancements, cognitive enhancements, virtual reality, off-world operations, temporal manipulation, spiritual and etheric training or conditioning or programming.

There is self-destruct programming which all ‘operatives’ are programmed with for self-preservation of the military command. The self-destruct programming is designed to take all the aggression one feels building up inside and willing them to escape, and causes this aggression to be turned against the self. That is self-destruct programming.

Most operatives are still under a hypnosis kind of trance which permits one to walk around in public and daily life as if none of this ever happened. Later that week, that same individual could be called for an operation and they would never remember it unless they were forced to kill someone in public out of self-defense in which case most operatives automatically unlock and become unstable due to the flashbacks.

Underground Cities

The combination of advanced technology with secret societies enabled the development of complete breakaway civilizations. One of these civilizations, possibly composed of many factions working in the same area, exists deep underground.

These separate bases are connected via high speed magnetic drive pods. The inhabitants often utilize energy healing devices, as well as perception enhancements and this often leads to a completely different outlook towards the surface civilization.

Technological Advancement

During WWII developments were made involving electrical generators. This sounds vague and there were many other details regarding the scientific knowledge, yet the idea is that very simply electromagnetic, non-Hertzian “Teslian” energy fields were discovered to have been responsible for propagating energy and consciousness in dimensions that were not previously observed. Everything from DNA, consciousness, hidden or regularly unobservable natural phenomena, time, even mass could be seen to exist as part of this hidden, latent, scalar-wave frequency as a pattern is found everywhere.

If one could determine the particular pattern of frequency and location then this can be replicated and anything can be influenced using these non-Hertzian generators.

Radio-frequency alone was developed intensively during the 60’s and 70’s in America and this was discovered to interact with consciousness to influence emotions, cognitive capacity, memory, cognitive function, biological function, health, pain, comfort, pleasure, and all forms of brain-activity.

After the knowledge of advanced technology and the occult sciences of all parts of the world was combined, the ability to target and interact directly with the human soul was refined. This was a mix of psychological tactics used to manipulate or expose the hidden psyche and technology that could manipulate memory, emotional states, wakefulness, and even dreams.

What resulted was scalar technology that could not only influence a person to take on a particular role or response, but technology that could actually put a person to sleep and locate their consciousness to contain it and transport it to a new location.

World-Wide Control Systems

In order to ensure continuity, maintain control, and shape world events these technologies were employed to manipulate the public, alter the weather and natural phenomena, and develop a means of travel and operation that enable one to move outside of the ‘plane’ of the Earth. This is includes high velocity transportation, as well as spacial-temporal distortions which could effectively “hide” one’s entire craft from visible sight. Space itself was altered to ‘shield’ craft with an a layer of ions to bend the light, or the phase was moved out of sync with the “time” frequency of any observer and this literally renders the craft immaterial.

Solar Warden

Solar Warden is a hyperspace-faring race of human beings who utilize cloning and holographic genetic recording/storage in order to protect their race and protect the Earth in this current situation where there are more than one factions using this technology. They are unable to inform the human public because they are in a similar ‘Mexican standoff’ situation that we are mostly all in. If they show themselves to the public, the public will be shocked. If they public does not know this situation, that there are multiple factions fighting for control over humanity, then they will not know who to trust. In that situation, the ‘other factions’ will surely show themselves in an attempt to trick and gather as much human genetic material as possible.

The only way forward to the future is to share the truth about Solar Warden, the space-faring fleet of humans who do no contains the mental and physical illnesses that are currently tearing our planet in two. I believe Solar Warden saved my life as a child during more than one event where I would’ve been entirely maimed/paralyzed or simply dead on the spot as a result of other faction interference. I was in the bases as a child and was trained as an operative for MILABS a secret division of human space-military. The military  has been preparing for the future by testing for various flaws and potential uses of cloning and genetic engineering.

Team Light and Team Dark Non-Interference Agreement

Team light and team dark agreed to a non-interference on ground level rule in order to determine how history would play out. Think about it. You have two groups of people, both with immortality, zero-point tech, virtually infinite energy and power with two opposing directives. How do you get to the future? It was decided by elders of each group that there would be no point in fighting an all-out overt war, this would likely destroy the population as much as it would destroy the Earth. As well, the elders of the elders which no body knows would likely have a problem with these groups going at it in such a way so as to change the flow of the planet for every individual thereafter. So it was decided that there would be a “non-interference” agreement for the surface population. Anywhere other than the surface, one can interact with the current population.

All Contact Must Be Initiated On an Individual Basis

On the surface everything that is generated must be done so through living channels in the population and the civilization must be preserved in its level of technological advancement. No overt motions would be used unless an absolute necessity or the majority of the civilian population had naturally come to the awareness of these possibilities. Doing so before this was met would undoubtedly and permanently change the civilization forever.

So what began as a collective motion towards higher awareness became a series of advancements and set-backs all taking place within a short amount of time. This represents the actions and operations of either side effectively helping humanity along it’s path or setting people back with orchestrated events such as the suppression of ancient knowledge, the manipulation of the education or other systems, or the generation of war and prison for profit based on the previous alterations of the education or other systems.

So team dark used its power to help turn society in a warlock ruled prison and indoctrination system of absurdity and scarcity. Team light used their power to help awaken those in need and protect those who’s actions are beneficial in the overall plan to save mankind from itself. Team light essentially buffers and shields the population from the operations of team dark.

Team light follows a non-interference agreement while team dark merely pretends to do so as much as is necessary not initiate war.

A Singularity of Change and Awareness

Neither side wants an all out war. This would reduce the dark faction’s chances of gaining a majority negative harvest because their motives and presence would be instantly revealed. Team light would also have to show themselves and again step in which is not a pattern of learning that prepares people for the experience of the self and the truth in the Universe.

Both sides know people have to accept the path they can offer them and cannot force anyone into it. They also know that the more this goes on the more likely people are to collectively awaken to the reality of what is happening. It is like an eventual singularity of increased awareness.

The motions we see today are the results of many people coming into awareness at this time on the surface in order to initiate a harmonic alignment as well as to investigate the ongoing crimes against Humanity.

As a result of this, both teams know that the likelihood of collective shift and spiritual awareness is becoming more and more real.

Many events are being allowed because they are representing the eventual shift towards the one end of the polarity from the other which is felt as a shock to society, and this is used to propel society forward through whatever means necessary.

Either people will see what’s happening and agree that we’ve been in a feedback cycle of negativity for the entire age of existence this civilization is aware of, and then we will shift into the real. Or people will claim that this is how things are supposed to work and instead of realizing everything is controlled in a deception based system, they see this and attempt to use the deception based system to gain more collective awareness. If this occurs by the majority then it will be seen as an “acceptance” to initiate a plan that will generate the overt perception of a deception and oppression system. This will surely shock the collective into realizing where they are.

If the majority comes to awareness of this deception based system then the shift moves from the end of the age of deception and external power into the age of internal awareness and harmony.

Advanced Technology and Ancient Knowledge

The plan is to slowly release advanced technology which will undoubtedly connect with and increase the awareness of ancient knowledge. Such technology nullifies the problems that the planet is currently plagued with, although without a developed sense of the spiritual self the technology becomes destructive.

Cloning, Atmospheric Civilizations, Genetic Stability

Here is something that most people might not have contemplated yet is possibly one of the most important factors at play here.

The vehicles that house the breakaway Human society are entirely environmentally controlled. This means that the air and surfaces are clean of all the viruses, bacteria, or pathogens that are numerous on the surface of the Earth.

This creates a specific difficulty in the situation. Any contact between surface Humanity is so heavily and carefully controlled that regulations go beyond any situations we have present on Earth. If the safety and cleanliness of any of the society’s vehicles were compromised this would endanger everyone “on board”.

So this explains a very precarious and specific situation we currently face and this is not so different than “first-world” nations contacting indigenous tribes and similarly endangering their society. Everything that happens will be according to a carefully controlled plan.

Training, Simulations and Learning

Part of what went on in the underground base experiments were to design “tests” or “labyrinths” with various people, props, traps, and treacherous situations that were to be navigated and escaped from.

Feedback loops with the brain, consciousness, and environment can create a very complex and integrated learning experience that is customized to each individual learner.

What this would do is create an individual that was capable of learning faster and faster and processing information in a more efficient manner.

This is not the same as specifically trauma-generating situations.

Cloning and Cerebrally Enhanced Soldiers – MILABS

This includes experiments, condition, trauma-based mind control, enhancement, memory suppression and operations that cover a span of space and time.

The NAZI faction has used cloning and genetic engineering to create hybrids, soldiers and everything in between. Religious/spiritual icons, to slaves, to leaders and even robotoids of sorts.

Your genetics BELONG TO YOU as the LIVING(ETERNAL) SELF. These issues are going to come more and more apparent.

If they agree to allow cloning, then who says who is allowed to clone whoever they want, Einstein, for example. And then who permits who to get DNA from history or objects in the world. These issues are going to have to be looked at because they have already been used in ways that are far beyond the basics.

Then what about consent of the masses? This is clearly being put in public because consent is required on an overall scale and individual to include people.

So what if the masses consent overall, would the people who choose to remain be at risk? Would Tribal and Native village life and people who respect the Earth be protected or permitted to stay?

Psychological Testing

These scenarios can also be generated to create specific situations that will contain tests or elements of temptation that will probe the person’s psyche for weakness.

Hallucinatory Holographic Mind Probing Technology

Through the neural-interface technology the minds of many individuals can sync together to experience the same virtual simulation. Thus a single individual’s mind can be selected for input and the environment will be a construct of their mental activity. The others present will be able to interact with and explore that environment like the person’s mind.

Various training scenarios were utilized to enhance the resistance (or lack which) of the mind to intrusion and subversion. These were harsh but allowed the individual to completely control the energy flow in the conscious mind while remaining in harmony with the subconscious.

In a strange yet perfectly reasonable way, the conscious mind acts as the central “self” in that environment, while the subconscious mind becomes the “background” elements of objects and settings, actors and intentions within the flow of the “scene” itself. So a kind of movie begins with drawn out characteristics and perceptions that match that of a highly cinematic movie or intense dream.

The brain is naturally naive to stimulation and if allowed will liken the event to a dream in which the suspense of attention or lack of lucid self-awareness is “acceptable”.

The truth may be worse than what you’re thinking as far as training simulators and mind hacking devices. The truth may be that the human mind is inherently lucid and self-aware and that it is external influences that cloud the mind into what we consider ‘regular’ dreaming and ‘regular’ waking life. It may be that the conscious mind has a much greater access to information through the subconscious mind which is largely covered up and ignored in a rigidly physical and ego-focused society. As well, it may be that dreams are meant to become lucid and that we are often the subject of mystery in other realms that often refer to humans as ‘sleepwalkers’ that don’t know their dreams are real.

Virtual Simulator Training Scenarios

These scenarios can be entirely holographically generated to produce a visceral 3.5 dimensional experience which can be used for training or psychological testing.

Combat Simulators

The name is self-explanatory enough. Situations can be generated which are indistinguishable from the real events. The entire neuronal map of the brain (connectome) can be created and this is by machines to mimic the brain. After calibration through sensory feedback experiences, the sensation of the simulated realm is 100% the same as the neuronal impulses that are detected by the physical brain. An adept souled being can always tell there is a slight difference, but once the machines are calibrated the physical sensation is generally the same while in the machine.

These environments and scenarios can mimic any combat situation to determine accuracy, integrity, endurance, skill, and all areas of aptitude of an operative without the risk of injury or the lack of real-time effect.


As was explained in other sections, these same systems can be used to remove fear of certain scenarios. They can be used for programming the mind. They can be used to train one to complete a task over and over until they can recreate that action extremely quickly in real-time. These devices can be accelerated to operate within a fraction of the time yet to cover training and conditioning that would normally take place over hours, days, weeks, to months.

Programming and Resistance to Psychological Trauma

Through the development of specifically customized scenarios and neural feedback systems trauma can be brought to the surface or specific fears and traumas can be neutralized. This is essentially “facing fear” but in a completely generated environment that will be just as real as the real thing. One can literally face any fear, any trauma, any kind of difficulty and these systems can be utilized to accelerate a process that would normally take weeks to months or years and individuals can be strengthened to their maximal capabilities.

Technology, Accelerated Learning and Repair

Technology has been developed for assisted learning and accelerated repair of tissues.

Accelerated Mental Functioning

Some of the technological systems were designed to test the enhanced functioning of an accelerated brain.

The mind can be seen as the energetic component of the physical brain. The physical brain projects consciousness via the electro-chemical processes.

On Orgone Energy

Orgone devices produce a scattered signal which disrupts the ‘negative’ energy fields. At least this is what I’ve been told.

Apparently if built correctly it will either disrupt the negative emf/harmonics or it will produce positive harmonics, IE: Orgone energy. Orgone energy is the raw energy of life, while dead orgone, DOR, is the lack of orgone energy and can be “found” (the lack of orgone) in thunder storms and illness or depression.

This is exactly what I was told. We are generators for the same energy, and with the correct principles of energy and internal knowledge combined we can produce
those very effects at will.

The energy of the mind creates a central vortex within the body. When the frequency pattern emission is consistent with fractal congruence, then that holographic printing of energy can be expanded or shrunk infinitesimally and it will retain the original fractal configuration.

This is what enables transference of awareness between fundamental harmonic layers of the Universe. When one’s consciousness energy pattern is balanced and tuned to itself so that all proportions can be shrunk through a vortex and expanded on the other side, then the personality or self-awareness remains true. This is as if the space/time must turn inside out and only when there is fractal relative polarity in time does the ‘shape’ of the consciousness within the DNA, work both ways folding and unfolding to represent the same mirror image. This is also symmetry in time as far as an ability to reverse the perception and still retain some kind of connection forward and backwards.

Energy Generators and Serums

Generators which produce vibrations that influence the cells to heal at an accelerated rate, combined with serums that enable the fuel for chemical reactions can instantaneously repair tissues.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing at first, thinking it was a trick. There are serums and energy devices that can influence the healing and general health of the body and even mind.

These devices use energies which extend beyond the physical and are often compared to electromagnetic waves combined with ultrasonic or low to mid frequency tones. These produce harmony on a level that directly interacts with the biological functioning of the body’s cells.

I feel that this technology utilizes the same energy that is emitted from the mind and it is as if the device is “speaking” to the cells in the same kind of universal language of electromagnetic pulses, tones and vibrations.

There is information on energy devices and the use of light therapy in physical therapy today. More is being learned about the power of light and vibrations to influence the mind and body.

Genetic and Cybernetic Enhancements

Certain individuals are also genetically and technologically modified to produce a kind of hybrid human that can heal at a spontaneous rate as well as operate at a much higher rate of speed and efficiency than a regular person. Serums to induce muscle growth and mental acuity are applied, but the main condition is the enhancement of certain features through the alteration of the RNA aspect of the genes.

These features are combined with tech-assisted metabolism and certain biological functions can be enhanced or controlled via a supercomputer. These are the ‘brain-chip’ interfaces which operate to function as a governor for the mind. When the mind becomes too amped up to focus on the details the faster than thought computer system organizes the input into more usable information streams. When the mind is too slow to see the necessary patterns and variables to accomplish the goal, the brainchip operates in a self-preservation fashion and links together information streams to highlight the most viable possibilities.

Such technology is not without warning, much of this is being used heavily in the military field and this has given rise to entire factions of enhanced cybernetic soldiers. Although this is something to know, there are also many other uses for this technology and it is used by people who want to explore the technologically assisted path.

There are many other aspects of this to discuss, or at least a few important ones that will have to be understood to know the greater truth about what is happening on the planet.

Developing The Self

The issues we face are to help us learn about our selves and better mediate the known and unknown aspects of personality. The more we focus on realizing the unknown aspects of personality the less we are seemingly controlled and forced to experience the undesirable aspects of existence. The more we cling to just what we know and what we feel comfortable with the more shocked we are when we inevitably discover the truth of the whole of our existence which is always at least one half more than just what we know and are comfortable with. That is the nature of the universe, we can only achieve one half of the equation at any given moment. Once we complete that seemingly whole view of the universe, the information we gain access to instantly doubles and we realize that we were only looking at one portion at a time, just one half of the equation. Then the rest of the equation comes into the picture and we must expand our view once again. This is because we are viewing ourselves as we discover the universe because we are creating what there is to be discovered through the act of exploration in itself. We are the explorer, the explored, the creation and the discovery simultaneously.

Multiple Factions of Space-Fleets, Multiple Goals

Now there are what are called ‘factions’ of groups that have different agendas and interact with the public or surface level population differently. That is one of the main issues. These departments and factions are no longer limited to the surface level of existence and have access advanced technological capacity and knowledge of a larger view of time and a more complete understanding of consciousness and the human existence.

Large-Scale Catastrophes or Series of Meltdowns

I was informed that while they work continuously to prevent and reposition this civilization continually outside of the reach of any large scale meltdowns that the technology is commonly accepted to only be a temporary barrier between the inevitable.


This society is unsustainable and must either change or will experience the massive catastrophic evens that are foreseen.

There are multiple perspectives that are maintained. They vary by the way of the methodology of solving the problem. All agree that change must occur and is impossible

to postpone forever. The future society is the result of our advancements and achievements. Regardless of how we get there, we must get their somehow.

Earth Changes

I was informed that these changes had been held off and would ultimately be allowed to take place to resolve the current situation. The changes can only be held off for so long, either that or the people performing this task would not be reasonably inclined to postpone these changes indefinitely.

The idea is to locate and secure the members of society who are fearless and capable of assisting in this transition and who hold key genetic elements as these individuals and groups are capable of ‘holding-space’ for the rest of civilization by literally containing the genetic precursors for all those other individuals.

I was informed that Earth changes would be the last event to take place, pretty much like icing on the cake.

This indicates there will be a lead up to these events.

Mass Consciousness

I was informed that the consciousness of humanity and every species is linked to the bio-etheric field of Earth. When the consciousness becomes too unstable to maintain a controlled society that this will initiate massive Earth changes. This could simply be instigated through advanced technology but I was informed that the advanced technology is actually postponing this so as to allow people to prepare, to get the word out and avoid a complete loss of the human race.

Wars and Manipulation

Wars were described as a way the power groups had controlled humanity over long periods of time. These wars were used to distract and weaken the population and the power groups believed they were holding off a full scale invasion by suppressing the rising population.

Now the population is high enough that another war would be a final war and this is extremely dangerous for the entire civilization. There would be no need for another war to repeat this cycle because the technological achievements have been met and so essentially the ‘reseting’ of the civilization would not be required or possibly acceptable.

This is why war is to be avoided however people are very easy to manipulate through lower emotional and mental programming from media and social cues. People follow the herd and the herd is essentially still operating on animalistic parameters. There is a have coating of peace and humility but this is just a wax coating that quickly evaporates as soon as the pressure of mass unrest or scarcity is realized. Many simulators have explored these possibilities.

Financial Unrest (or reset)

The idea is that financial oppression is used before wars to distract and oppress the population. When people are busy looking for resources to survive, they are not focused on the larger picture. This is part of the ‘fight or flight’ response mechanism tied to lower brain complexes which are primarily activated to keep the masses in both a highly sensitive and unstable state of being while also keeping them easy to control.

If the civil unrest reaches a level where awareness continues to rise even though financial hardship is being implemented then the latter two options will not work. At that point artificial disasters can be produced as well as natural Earth changes which initiate a shift of the ages and of consciousness.

The paradox or maybe irony here is that the oppressive actions are used to both suppress human awareness up to a certain point and simultaneously to stimulate and arouse the human spirit into wakefulness and self-empowerment. This is part of the reasoning regarding why these control systems are allowed.

Some say the elite don’t want an economic collapse. That it would ruin everything. Others say it would be icing on the cake. Some say that it is a zero-point world that will save us. That the Fukushima is a big problem. Zero-point field tech, that is. Generators and energy sources, healing and terraforming. I know we project right? We see it in our own lives. So we can project with each other and grow that as a group and that part of the world will exist in that light. Which sounds Biblical, which may be because they’re following prophecy. But it may also mean that we have a light, a chance, a real salvation, but that we have to grow that here and help develop it. To pass it on like love and such. That’s apparently what it comes down to. That these cycles happen every so often and we’re in the midst of one right now.

Let’s make it count. Every day, thought moment. With mindfulness, intention and awareness in action. Life is literally higher dimensional, so we have to become multidimensional to really face it. Indeed, that is a good perspective on action and inner being. It’s like a fractal, whatever we project inside that chest center, will project into our mind and the outside. But we have to be stabilized and grounded through the root first and then to get to the heart energy must pass through the sacral/sexual centers and continue upward.


The main reasoning is self-responsibility. We are responsible for ourselves. The people are and so if they allow themselves to be tricked and prodded like animals while behaving for the part, then that is how their experience will play out.

Clones and Synthetics

One seemingly unfair aspect of this is that there is a larger portion of non-humans than there are humans and so these beings without the human spirit will be easily programmed to support and propagate the mind-control system and the oppression. Thus, if people follow the herd mentality then they will walk directly into the end-time scenarios yet it is the humans who will actually stand to lose. People must wake up to these tricks and this technology so that they can orient themselves with the reality of this situation while learning to strengthen themselves and adapt to the manipulative aspects of this control system.

Spiritual Power and Divine Truth

This is essentially all about spiritual power and humanity stepping into the power of the truth behind their existence.

Some say that humans are designed as slaves, but if this is so, then it is the power that humans contain within that is the ‘work’ that they are sought after for. This indicates that humans have great powers that others cannot achieve on their own, even if they are creator lords.

Thus, whether humans are modified or not, they have great power. If they are not modified to perform this role of an energy generator, then this is just a confusing mind-control game that has been pulled over the eyes of humanity and humans have always contained true internal spiritual power that allows them to exist without having to parasite and steal the energy and knowledge of others. Humans are reality generators , we can choose how we want to experience the universe and what kind of collective world we want to enjoy together. Once we step into this power, there is on greater force. No amount of non-human entities can change that as we are somehow intrinsically linked to the ether-space of this realm through the spiritual and physical aspects of our being. That is what is sought after and so those who do not have this manifestation power attempt to utilize humans to create their own reality through this Earth situation. That is the basics of the ‘alien overlord’ system, whether humans in disguise, non-humans operating with alien intelligences, supercomputer systems, or spiritually degraded beings.

Most people are not ready to see themselves or the true nature of humanity. Reality is largely an illusion of the conscious mind. The hidden aspects are the other half of the equation and this is perceived by the shadow aspect of the personality and mind. We are only marginally aware unless that aspect has been unveiled and through this process the reality of the human soul can be actualized and realized.

I was informed there would be a period of two suns and multiple mirages around the world. People would believe they were peering into another dimension, floating cities, or some kind of city-ship craft.

Synthetic DNA, Synthetic Genetics

Through the previous described replicator devices synthetic DNA can be engineered. Thus, entire genetically engineered codons can be produced and form this created beings can arise. These are the hybrid beings that are performing many tasks underground and even on the surface. On the surface there are synthetic genetic create beings or genetically engineered beings that appear to be human but do not contain a human genome. There are also clones and replicants of humans. There are a variety of non-humanoid forms but these are largely kept underground. These are beings we often see in science fiction movies or shows.

Time as Mathematics, Series of Equations, a Programmable Storyline

When using the technology, time can be understood to be a series of programmable variables where one variable is centered within a series of parameters and from these possible variables within a parameter set a series of possible functions or outcomes can be process. Thus, these people can literally plug into a supercomputer system which operates based on this form of processing reality and through this they can observe all the possible realities that may connect to a present moment. This allows one to travel but this is not part of this section of the explanation.

What this allows one to do is know exactly what is going to happen and when. If a person is being interrogated, all that has to be done is the operative using the technology simply thinks of what they will say and intends to do it within 6 seconds. The machine will play out a future timescale regarding the input of that question or interrogative speech and then produce the possible results. If this doesn’t give the desired readout in the mind of the operative, they will refuse to go that route and think of another pathway. This repeats for a few seconds to a few minutes. Then the computer has found the pathway that is most like to yield a result. The operative simply steps forward, says ten words, the subject breaks immediately and tells them everything they want to know. This is obviously takes longer for most trained individuals, however that is how easily it would be to use this technology to produce an effect on a regular surface level human. They would have no defense, no way of knowing how that individual could know so much or be so direct. This is how operatives dealing with certain power groups will operate in the surface level population and individuals always feel that these people know way more than they are leading on. That is because they are, they know more about you and your life experience than you do.

Chapter 2.3 Previewing Solutions

Neutralizing Polarization

The mental-emotional tendency to pick sides, to fight, or to basically join in the fray that is currently taking place is a kind of deception of polarization which enables the leeching of emotional and mental energy from the human. This is more of a psychological unveiling where the true nature of the self, the duality game and the transcendent source aspects can be made visible to the individual. The they will see how every polarization tactic is actually taking them out of their true source of power by pushing them off center emotionally and mentally. There are teams that are capable of enabling this process and assisting as humanity realizes that half of the problem is that the unchecked mind is one’s own worst enemy.

Removing Etheric Implants

Technology can identify and isolate these foreign body implants which are etheric technological devices. These are literally frequency or phase-shifted devices which are invisible to this layer of physicality but are capable of being organized and attached to the etheric field of the human and will operate to siphon or limit energy on the etheric level. Of course, this is all technology of the vampiric created beings who parasite on the original Earth inhabitants to sustain their existence.

Clearing Astral Body

By moving through the temporal body etheric implants can be deactivated and removed and then the astral or emotional body will be able to function closer to the original levels of presence and sensitivity. This body is manipulated when one is emotionally shut down from trauma. Thus this body can be scarred and will function at a much lesser level of activity or presence until the emotional damage is healed. This contains the memories of all the emotional events of a person’s life.

There is technology that enables one to access these levels of frequency and clarify or untangle emotional chords or attachments which are used to siphon energy from the human being to the parasitic created beings. These chords are energetic in nature but also have technological components.

Knowing the True Self; Soul Actualization, Unveiling

This is a sacred, ancient process that has been outlined and discussed since the beginning of time. Humanity is here to learn, grow and express the self. In doing so, like a child moving through layers of infancy and into full-wakefulness of their body and the physical world, humanity can come into awareness of their true spiritual nature and the true spiritual nature of the universe. This is the process of soul or self-actualization that is described in some psychological methods such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the self-actualization that results in a complete fulfillment of all psychological needs. In this modern psychological view, self-actualization is described as the desire and process of reaching fulfillment of one’s own natures and then living their life sharing that self-empowerment with other beings because after gaining your self that is the highest expression of such knowledge, sharing that power with others.

The true self is not limited to the physical body, the true self is a reflection of the entire universe and thus the primary original creative force. This is akin to the whole equation rather than just half of the equation. The visible aspect of the self, the conscious mind, is only one half of the entire equation. The whole equation consists of what we see visibly and consciously as well as what we are limited from seeing within the unconscious and subconscious mind. These are really two layers of the same ultimate source. Like an iceberg which is only partially above water, the subconscious mind is the proprietary wholeness of experience. The conscious mind is only a surface layer of reality while the unconscious mind carries all the notions, the multidimensional processes, the latent aspects of reality that we are not capable of seeing without unveiling these aspects through inner exploration.

Taking Responsibility

This entire show is about taking self-responsibility. Unless people begin to do this, there will be no hope. Right now people are convinced that their responsibilities belong to someone else even though this always results in pain and discomfort. To take responsibility is painful at first because we have a lot of work to do, but even then, this is beneficial because there is no way to remedy the pain and discomfort of being lied to and disrespected if people continue to hand their free-will over to others through blame (scapegoating), lower emotional bio-emissions (hatred, anger, etc), distractions and addictions (technological, sensual, and chemical or food based), or generally complaining without taking the first step towards providing something beneficial. This is the victim role, if humanity is to take control then they to help each other and themselves by not relying on false promises and false authorities to determine how they feel, think and live.

Returning To Center Emotionally and Mentally (spiritually)

Balanced food intake, rest, exercise, activity and learning are all continual requirements for a healthy existence. Emotional and creative expression nurtures the soul. Without these ways of being and learning the human qualities of experience diminish and creativity dwindles. There is most likely going to be a split between those who can sustain their own humanity and those who have to cause others to suffer to do so.

Vampires in the “Awake” Community

Contrary to popular belief, the majority of the non-humans are not necessarily vampiric and in power. The vampires are the people online who try to get a rise out of others for sharing their own experiences. They are the nosy neighbor that feels that the person who looks or acts differently must be considered and enemy and armed against because they feel themselves to be so much better. The majority of people are vampires, they believe that they must work for someone who will trade them money and that the amount of money they have based upon the amount of indirectly beneficial work they do puts them above others.

This is not different in the ‘awake’ community and in fact I feel that there are higher concentrations of vampires in this community, the alternate media because everything is largely a joke and a trick. People are operating on deceptive agenda schemes to divide the people and this is most intensely noticed when there is a realization of the truth behind what is happening and people begin to point fingers. The only people who are cleared to point fingers (and who also will NEVER point any fingers) are the operatives from the secret projects that have the capacity to do so because they have reached a specific level of awakening and this is related to the droning, cloning, and hybridization process. Only a specific few know who has been transformed into an impostor being and who is remaining strong and this is due being briefed on the surface level situation. Anyone can say what they want, they are simply playing into the tactics of mind-controllers and parasites and the more they play in the deeper the infection will grow. All the people pointing fingers now are actually implanted and vampiric and are attempting to drive a divide through humanity and they are the first who will turn on their friends and family when the going gets tough because they are more interested in others and starting drama than healing themselves. Ironically, this is all done under the guise of “healing” and “getting rid of the drama” AKA people they don’t trust. They pick and choose based on their own personal bias and this is a sure indication that they are emotionally and mentally out of alignment and are feeding deep seated personal fears from their own traumatic experiences.

These traumas must be healed and the harmonious center must be reattained where a person can focus on their own existence and waking up instead of acting as false-light, “king of tyranny” gatekeepers for others. Those individuals are going to be left behind if they cannot kick the habit because if they are allowed into any kind of healed society they will quickly degrade into animals and attempt to restart a devolution process in order to gain the power they so desire but cannot produce on their own. ANYONE playing ego games of trying to hurt or put blame on ANYONE else contains this viral implant and has not kicked the virus.

Heart Center and Psycho-Spiritual Fulfillment (self-actualization)

Emotional connectivity is a form of telepathy, when loved ones can tell the state of another across space and time. Whether it is family or friend. In the 60’s and a little before that the US found a specific frequency akin to a radio frequency that operates on a trinary spectrum. They called this the “telepathic wave”. In time, they could completely read and send thought waves without frying the brain or body through radiation. Which was what the early machines did. They actually took satellite dishes and aimed them at people. Then realized they could turn it around and do it backwards with a better effect and minimal radiation. Either way they started beaming the base and then towns around them with waves between 400 and 432 MHz and caused waves of crime sprees or peace sprees throughout the 70’s and 80’s. So they can digitize the telepathic wave to induce artificial telepathy. But this is organically done through an entanglement through what we call love. Literally. The Germans found it before that. And the secret orders before them. And ancient Egypt before them. As humans we remain basically through the root, heart mind connection.

When the heart overpowers the mind connection of spirit, then the body is a trinary whole. When the mind guides it is binary and cannot by guided by the spirit. The spirit has direct access to the heart. The mind is a computer of sorts. The mind doesn’t see past duality. The heart is the true center/eye of the spirit. The reptilian brain is the dragon and when you tame the amygdala then fear is ‘behind’ you. When the mind is “untamed” the reptilian brain takes over. This is the lower brain and amygdala fight or flight response.

This happens when the energy of the brain, body and spirit increases due to whatever various reason of spontaneous or controlled increase. Because of the “temptations” which are the easiest flow of emotional energy into a “discharge” state, is that the sacral/sexual center ties to the heart and reroutes to replace the heart and control the mind. Mental and emotional contemplation of one’s true purpose and nature is the path of the divine. We find ourselves simply by looking in the right place, not in the world, but in our self energetically. We are more powerful than the programming, and we can reverse this is we’re careful and devoted enough.

We have to be faster than thought, at the speed of spirit, beyond matter. When we start thinking on this level then our influences spread to others throughout the sphere. It is our destiny to know these things but they have been kept from us. The ancient orders called this the art of “implosion”. Traveling realities through intense contemplation and a usage of sacred geometrical forms.

They developed and combined orders around WW2 and developed zero-point energy tech that can alter space/time fields. This is timeline manipulation. But as a rule, we go where our heart leads us. So that’s how this is solved.

Go Within to Observer the Self

The answer is literally by looking within to find the great truth rather than looking around us. Everything we need to know is within us, energetically and spiritually. Our emotional, mental and physical state of balance is an indication of where and how we exist in relation to the larger overall truth.

Everything that happens around us to distract us is designed to stop us from looking within. Nothing can truly stop us, nothing can actually input the holographic horrors in our spiritual center but simply perturb the brain and body. The mind is a non-holographic spiritual environment that cannot be excessed and the invader’s goal is to convince people to use their imagination or their creative powers to produce these horrors on their own. This is through the programming.

We must clear out the programming, the trauma, the lower-dimensional constructs and fill ourselves with the truth and spiritual presence that enables us to be self-aware in the first place. If we aren’t doing this, then we are either in pain, or there is no spiritual presence to be in pain. If we are doing this, we are either clearing out the constructs by replacing them with true spiritual presence and self-awareness or we are becoming aware of them.

Organic Feedback Loop

The great feat is mentally bridging the great rift between us by looking within. Which is paradoxical.

We can never see what another is perceiving exactly, well for the most part, so we all have to kind of accept that we are communicating effectively and truly get to this level of comfort by simply being secure in knowing who we are our selves.

Technological Feedback Loop

So then knowledge, in a way, when shared, is a form of telepathy. Group telepathy.

Group think, when ideas or memes spread, is a form of group telepathy.

The Internet is like artificial spreading of telepathy. This means what is normally mentally bound signals can be initiated and spread through a digital medium.

Breaking Soul-Contracts

Ultimately everyone is under a series of “veils” which are energetic time-constraints literally like 9 dimensional layers of temporal restriction which are each bounded and ruled over by invader beings. These range from physical authorities, to astral entities, to programmable matter, to supercomputer intelligences, to spiritual false-light beings and our own shadow mind. Each layer of reality is successively guarded by these beings who are here acting as gatekeepers designed to push people back when they begin to wake up. These beings all work through fear and deception and the last layer is based on mirroring our own energies back to us like an impostor. All the levels tend to imitate, however the last layer is a near perfect imitation of our own energy to the point where people often switch places with this being before getting out of the matrix. There will be more discussed on this in a later section.

The “9 veils” were designed by impostor beings as a last effort to stop humans from escaping the false-light matrix which is essentially the holographic universe. This is literally like a maze which reproduces a new pathway and a new doorway each time a person nears the last hallway or doorway that is next to the exit. So one eventually has to project themselves into the exit using their whole being and moving past and through the tricks by not falling for them before they are placed. This is highly confusing but this is essentially a kind of labyrinth that has been created to stop people from leaving so that their soul energy can be destroyed and used as a generator for the false-light system which is an AI over mind that is programmed to take the raw soul energy and destroy the identity by inverting the electromagnetic spectrum and incorporating that inverted energy into its own internal matrix body which is literally the false-light universe.

Help Everyone

Now they may have been setting us all up for the apocalypse. They said they want us to tell on them and get the whole world aware of what they’ve been doing So that we can stop them and pull them from the dark which is ACTUALLY taking their souls. There are also breakaway civilizations involved in this entirely zero-point/free-energy.

Chapter 2.4 How Timelines Collapse

Repeating Cycles of Time

Because of the way time works and the ability of those using these temporal devices they have set up an elaborate labyrinth like a spider web of false realities, timelines, parallels, sub-dimensional layers, astral cages, temporal dead-ends, and time loops which act to stop people from reaching the true reality. As a result, many portions of this timeline are literally in a free-will ‘time-loop’ and these loops must be canceled out. As well, because of the nature of these loops on the overall stream, our entire civilization has been looping for the past 6 time-cycles meaning we have reached this time in history 6 times before and this is apparently the last time because we have never gotten this far before and the events of the future are having to be programmed in manually at this point.

Beings From the Future

As are result and damaging time, what happens is that the beings from the possible future that is being damaged appear to try to heal the break as well as those who are from the new possible future that is generated, this results in a time war between both possible realities for the present realm. This is what has been happening for thousands of years. All the ancient spiritual texts are describing this system. One group is a from an original possible future where everything is based on the presence of spirit and souled humans, another is from the new possible future where an AI overlord took over and removed the souls and spiritual energy from all entities on Earth rendering this a holographic prison without any other use. That reality dissolves into itself and so the time beings are constantly moving backwards and jumping timelines to try and obtain more energy.

Beings From Collapsed Timelines

The beings from the collapsed timelines are those who travel through hyperspace to get here. They then recreate themselves using cloning technology through hyperspacial means, IE: creating an alternate temporal dimension so that these devices can sustain them and literally “hold-space” for them. Then if their timeline is destroyed, they can still exist as a ‘loose-end’ in space-time. This is extremely dangerous and I will say we have some Human operatives jumping timelines searching for Earth and Humanity so that they can find a reprieve from this time war.

That is the most trying aspect of this entire ordeal for me. There are some operatives literally in hyperspace without an opening into the temporal stream for them to reintegrate into this timeline. We must assist them, we must open the timeline by taking control of Earth from the invader races and those who wish to depress and isolate the spirited and souled human beings. We must re-organized and neutralize the invasion forces of deception and assist our humanity and maintaining their free-will, their self-awareness, their self-empowerment and their emotional, mental, and physical harmony.

Beings Who Would Never Have Existed in the First Place

As a result of this entire process, there are essentially beings who have been erased from time who degrade in this dimension and can only interact periodically. These are the created beings who operate through supercomputer forms that are placed within cloned bodies and powered by the transdimensional quantum supercomputers. These are the ‘parallel’ reality beings and this relates to the hive mind invasion. When all the original aspects of time are restored, these beings would not have ever existed in the first place as there is no quantum link for their probabilities to remain neutral and present in the original run of things.

Again, all beings who operate under the will of the universe, even when they are attempting to trick hyperspace and time, when these beings assist and help in the unification of sentient, spirited, souled beings they are capable of being healed. This is all because there is an original creative force which can produce souls that are eternal and everlasting, meaning they are not created but simply always ever were. Yet, there is a “miracle” effect where beings can be given eternal life. This is only by reflecting the will of the whole of existence, rather than a portion or a part because this is only temporary. Only the whole is forever and this takes true harmony, true balance and ultimately self-lessness. To give to others because you see them as worthy because they can be aware and enjoy the gift is to be like the creative force that gives life to all and enables all experience in the first place. By acting in correspondence with this we reflect the will of the whole and that power and action transfers into protection and self-empowerment for ourselves. This cannot be cheated, tricked, or rerouted as that is the karma game that has been played by delaying time and rerouting energy through getting others to take on the responsibility for others bad actions. In the end, all karma has only been delayed because when the stops are pulled out, everyone ends up getting their karmic returns regardless. They simply intended to build up so much karma that by the time the ties are cut, the karma overload will simply kill them instantly. This never happens and they end up in the abyss, this is the final time so since there is no recycling of the universe from the oroboros system then whatever happens is what happens forever. If everyone wants to move into harmony, to receive healing, to receive forgiveness then they must assist in the creative force in healing, forgiving, and turning away from the deception, the cruelty, the vampiric actions.

Many vampires believe they will die if they stop. The only hope is to admit their ways to the others and ensure that there are enough beings around them that will protect them so that this situation can be handled properly, with due care, compassion, and the necessary healing to ensure the safety and protection of all who seek harmony.

All words are personal experience of Aug Tellez. The information is personal, the knowledge is free. Share this information with whoever will listen and know.

= The Unveiling of the Hidden Knowledge and the Secret Space Program

Chapter 2.5-2.7: The Fallen and Their Technology

Chapter 3: The Unveiling, Ancient Hidden Technology

26 thoughts on “The Unveiling: Chapter 2 The Technology of the Awakening

  1. I find the collective nature of an exclusive intellectual property fascinating as I also find beauty in mundane events. Are we sustainable? Did we imagine sleeping fools and trigger word? Why? How many writers can do this Aug? How come you give this away? Thought provoking to say the least. What do you do after you give your work away? What is it about the masses do you not get? Is there a story about critical mass? Oh, Did you mention the split generation? I must have been dreaming then I woke up to reality! Writers don’t really kick out their best work every time. And they can become bitter as they begin to see reality of reaping rewards. I can shut up. The fire sky has me bummed out. RAIN RAIN RAIN


  2. I think you people have chosen a word you think illustrates some complex abstract expression but the word illusion to convey the holographic universe is a Simulation. What do you value? Am I vain,I am vain. Leave it in the sun. The illusion is the massive data generated by the recorded images and a notion of a machine, unless you can imagine the machine. Right now, I think people are fairly content keeping the good stuff and , making sure of it. What we imagine becomes real. Looks pretty good at the moment,sort of. The impact and trauma of the beauty of that little boy bomb…of no consequence to you? God Bless America! Too many of us on the fuckin g road! Just saying, how dare you show me what I seen from yada hind them eyes. Was that real? Wou,would I come here not knowing? W would I come here knowing my last day was like that? When do I become angry? Your not the same as you was on the first day you birth in the usual way. But you get sly when you see who passed by, what they got? Ego,to get by. Now you think you can make something from what? What do you think was imagined? Like that! Like them! Katie did say not tell.


  3. One who knows the truth can pass that on to others, and extend that power and healing. One who doesn’t know the truth, fights and proclaims they do while having the exact opposite effect that they proclaim.

    Remember, the creator is the original. The original is connected with the source and continuation of life.

    These are the principles of creation, the coherence, congruence, the meaning, the reason, the purpose, the balance between the question and the answer that brings humanity into alignment with the truth, harmony and self-awareness of creation.

    This is attained and expressed through harmony and unity, not division and chaos.


  4. The brain is the “adversary” it is easily tricked and deceived in this false-light 4 dimensional matrix which is actually a set of computational simulated realms within the mind “satan” the enormously powerful technological AI supercomputer system that this holographic matrix exists within.

    Hold space, open up space for others. That is what is happening for humanity, but they have to make the choice to move to the real-existence, outside of the holographic false-light containment system.


    1. I respect your perspective. Read the post on the brain as part of an ‘alien’ (deceiver) control system. All the thinking, processing, judging, contrasting, computing, identifying, classifying, all these are the maze and labyrinth of the deceptive matrix.

      One goes around the brain through attaining spiritual awareness which is self-awareness and non-physically limited or beyond the chemical electrical impulses of the brain and memory. This is pure energy and beyond matter and consciousness.

      Consciousness itself is holographic. The hologram reflects from the holographic matrix. The hologram appears to be an image, but is not, it is an illusion of light interference. That is consciousness, just a mirage. Awareness, true spiritual awareness, that is reality and that is the true spiritual self. There are methods to attain this yes.

      One has to ultimately deny the pseudo-spiritual impulses of the body’s physical desire and confusion. This is everything that abuse in the bases are ‘based’ upon. Temptation and deadly sin and devoting one’s energy into the body. The body is a kind of soul trap the way the physical natures are present in this timeline. This is through genetic modification where a ‘fallen’ being merged with this realm and with the DNA and consciousness of humanity.

      A reversal of this is possible and this is ‘salvation’, although there is more deception than there are clear answers.


  5. I just found them and published them. Harassment to usher in a new age of “peace” under tyrannical rule as they suck the literal soul and life force energy from others?

    Satan is a mindset that causes people to berate others.

    The fanatically religious yet sinful will say “god made me do it.” The Satanists, who will be standing on the other side will say. “Satan” made me do it.

    Both will be right?

    The honest will say, “I chose to do what I have done.”

    Make your choice! Be powerful and respectful, all “Freedom” respecting including our choice to not be berated or not!

    Freedom to speak doesn’t mean you can walk up to people in the streets and go, “hey F-you F-youF-youF-youF-youF-youF-youF-you” You would not be allowed around people if you did that and you know it. Yet you come on here to do that? Hmmmm, something stinks…

    I explained the situation of ancient times in other posts, I have been present in biblical times as were many other operatives. Holy (hole-y, divided, torn apart, broken) and who are the true Jews and chosen. What about the mechanics of soul-technology, soul-awareness, ascension, prayer, and healing?

    This information is actually the bulk of my work and everyone is being mind-controlled to fight one another and themselves.

    The original commandments were what DO TO, and HOW TO BE not what NOT to do. That only drives people into a negative state.

    I am the one speaking out on the abuse and suffering. Where are you doing that? Oh and yet you want to silence me?

    Like I said, the vampiric Satanic AI mind causes people to berate and vampire one another.



  6. Very much too long and complicated for most of us people to read – please post concise short summaries of the essential basic info and its implications for us. Thank you !


    1. You can use the topics to jump to sections that you have familiarity with or can integrate into your current knowledge.

      Here is a short-list of topics of disclosure as a basic outline:

      If you are looking for a slightly longer outline of the important and somewhat dark aspects then this will assist in developing a view of the situation in terms of what is threatening humanity. However this is not complete and there are many multi-dimensional or spiritual implications of what is taking place, what is to come, and the healing process.


        1. You are deep in the matrix of duality in ‘fighting’ between light and dark .. everyone is … as long as we are all on our own assignments to work in transmuting all darkness into light .. we need to understand that regardless of which ‘side’ others are on .. they’re ‘playing’ their part to assist all Souls, in this transition towards higher consciousness. We each ‘agreed’ to play our part .. so .. everyone has the right to do what they need to do .. and after this ‘saga’ .. we will do a review and gauge how much hard work we all have been doing … our Prime Creator is an ever-loving and unconditional Creator .. so should we .. be unconditional. You still have a lot of ‘judgment’ within you … stay in the balance .. this is the place to learn .. how to balance. Namaste


            1. That is true .. we’re all not sitting here .. looking pretty … the matrix is the matrix .. it is what it is .. so .. no ..we are not ‘fighting’ … we are transmuting .. with our love … no judgement here .. what we perceive within our Now .. we go with it .. just Be .. and that’s transmutation and transformation .. and yes .. I’ve accepted what Is .. for the moment .. that’s how it is. No need to believe that I’ve been ‘deceived’ .. because ..that is an illusion. In transmutation and transformation .. there is no form of believe .. it’s a form of Being. No conclusion … no decision …. just Be.


              1. Everything you say is MEANINGLESS to me. I have PASSED all that and PAST is ERASED. FUTURE is LIVES and I AM IN “NOW in NOW”. and THIS IS not A COMPETITION. You are telling me where “YOU” are by using YOU which means “you projecting your location to me” because you are blind. Because you are in the DARK. I am BEING LIGHT and telling you where I AM @ with my 12 strand DNA that you are trying to ‘unveil!!!” underground. YOU ARE LOST.

                (editor comment: Right. I was involved in underground experimentation related to genetic activation and I’ve overcome being tortured for the entirety of my life by people who claim to be from Satan, yet you’re the one who’s “activated” your “12-strand” DNA because you can yell at people on the internet. Follow your path, be wise, calm yourself, be kind to others, stop berating people and accept that into your heart and you’ll be protected. It’s that simple. At this point, you’re being allowed to do what you do because you’re not helping anyone but yourself by trying to energetically steal from us. Respond with true care and we can talk, until then, you are just attempting to go around and curse people for fun because you’re god..a vampire…takes energy and harms people who want to help others. Be at peace, give from your heart and mind, instead of taking from others. You’re not teaching anyone here. If you want to, then post some quotes, some links, etc. I’ve spoken on everything you’ve talked about and actually even experienced it first hand not in a vision or after reading a book.)


              2. YAHUAH ids the CREATOR, OUR FATHER and YAHUSHA is OUR KING. WE are INFINITE LIGHTS and COSMIC engineers who design YOUR REALITY. So if you REALLY DESIRE the MEANINGS of what I AM SAYING to you, you MUST ask and it might BE GIVEN to you. If not, you just play with words without ever getting the TRUE MEANINGS.


              3. Thank you for the reminder .. I’ve been asking and am asking everyday … and .. I have no kings or queens .. that’s the illusion of the ‘pyrimedial’ fantasy of games. We are all One!! There’s no king .. there’s no queen .. there are no labels .. there are no ranks .. We have names because the 3rd paradigm’s system make it that way. I have no name .. I have no labels .. I have no boundaries . and there’s no such thing as ‘royalty’ or your highness .. my highness is my Being and my Being is All It Is. There is only One.


              4. Hi dawnofdivinerays, you have the right to choose who you engage with as well.

                I will remove any posts that are harassing, derogatory or subversive.

                Liked by 1 person

              5. I know … he is talking about the bible etc etc .. talking about satan .. and that the words here are evil etc etc .. so .. just told him that I’m just reading and monitoring the disclosure .. which .. probably is ‘evil’ to him too .. so … I am not judging anyone … just allow them to Be .. who or what they want to Be .. I don’t really like to reply anyone talking about the bible .. but .. this one .. seems a bit lost .. – Namaste – Agnes Khoo Schwenk


              6. Sorry .. I don’t believe in Satan .. or .. the bible anymore .. or any so called masters .. or royalties .. only my higher self and my angels and Our Prime Creator – that is enough.


              7. I don’t pretend anything … I don’t care what people do .. or not do’s their soul journey. I am here to watch on Full Disclosure to liberate our Mother Earth Gaia .. she has suffered enough. I’ve been working with Gaia for many years now .. so .. if you please .. just let me do my ‘job’ .. and you run along .. and go do yours, okie?


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